- Don't worry; I will call out the stops. 別擔心,我會報站的。
- My pleasure. Anyway I'll call out the stops. 樂意效勞。反正我也會喊站名的。
- Do not worry,I'll call out the stop. 不用擔心,我會報站的。
- Certainly. Four more stops after this. I'll call out the stops. 當然可以。過了這一站還有站,我會報站的。
- That's what worries me. Just be sure and listen when the bus driver calls out the stop,so we don't ride past it. 我就是很擔心,要注意聽司機報站名,不然我們會坐過頭。
- I call out all the stops en route. 售: 沿途每一個站我都報(站)的。
- Only the president or a state governor could call out the military or state militia. 只有總統或州長才能緊急召集軍隊或州人民自衛隊。
- To pull out the stops of(a pipe organ). 拉出(風琴)的音栓
- The captain called out the members of his team. 隊長召集他的隊員們。
- They called out the police to break up the meeting. 他們叫來警察驅散這次集會。
- Call out the numbers so that we can hear them at the back. 大聲地把數字報出來,這樣我們在後面也能聽到。
- We hope it will not be necessary to call out the army. 我們希望不必要出動軍隊。
- The autocratic government call out the army to suppress the workers' strike. 獨裁政府出動了軍隊鎮壓工人罷工。
- He called out the long list of names. 他把長長的學生名單挨個點了一遍。
- Just call me by my surname, cut out the Mr. 就叫我的姓吧,去掉先生二字。
- He blurted out the bad news before I can stop him. 我還沒來得及阻止他,他已衝口說出了這個壞消息。
- The airline pull out all the stop to get him there in time. 航空部門已想盡一切辦法好讓他及時趕到那裡。
- Their temporary predicament called out the best in them. 他們的暫時困難激發他們作出最大的努力。
- Call out the guard. 將衛兵集合起來
- We must pull out all the stops till tomorrow. 明天之前我們都必須全力以赴。