- The bullet missed me by a hair's s breadth. 那顆子彈差一點就打中了我。
- He escaped death by a hair's s breadth. 他差一點送了性命。
- He had a finger cut off by a machine while working. 他在工作時被機器切掉了一個手指。
- He has a finger cut off by a machine while work. 他在工作時被機器切掉了一個手指。
- She had a finger cut off by a machine. 他被機器切斷了一根手指。
- He have a finger cut off by a machine while work. 他在工作時被機器切掉了一個手指。
- When the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch. 當弦被手指擋住時金屬檔會發出想要的音調。
- Capacitive screens must be touched by a finger or an electrically grounded stylus to conduct current. 電容式螢幕必須使用手指,或是接有地線的觸頭,以便傳導電流。
- She got her finger pricked by a thorn. 她的手指被刺扎了一下。
- Good healthy fear serves a purpose, it protects us from danger - as anyone who has burned a finger or been jolted by a few hundred volts knows. 健全的恐懼有其用意,可保護我們脫離險境。手指曾受灼傷或被幾百伏特的閃電擊中的人都知道這個道理。
- We missed the other car by a hairs breadth. 我們差一點兒撞到了另一輛汽車。
- He escaped from death by a hair's breadth. 他死裡逃生。
- The bullet missed me by a hair's breadth. 槍彈擦身而過,差點打中了我。
- The swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it. 她的手指腫脹是手指內有異物引起的。
- Jack felt like taking a swipe at Hagane, but decided it wasn't worth the risk of having a finger nipped off by a beak as keen as a pair of tin snips. 傑克很想給哈格尼狠狠的來一下,但是還是決定不要冒這個風險,指頭給鐵皮剪那麼鋒利的鳥嘴來上一下可不是那麼好受的。
- We escaped death by a hair's breadth. 我們差一點就死了。
- The driver escaped the death by a hair's breadth. 那個司機這回真是九死一生。
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建築物上落下的一塊石頭砸著了。
- He was led astray by a hooligan. 他被一個流氓引上了邪路。
- The bullet missed him by a hair's breadth. 槍彈擦身而過,差點打中他了。