- 超聲波聯合非甾體抗炎葯治療膝關節骨關節炎的臨床效果Clinical Effectiveness of Ultrasound Wave Therapy Combined with Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
- 非甾體抗炎葯,用於類風濕性,風濕性關節炎,槍支性脊椎炎,痛風及牙痛等。Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Used rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, stiffness spondylitis, gout and toothache etc.
- 幽門螺桿菌感染在非甾體抗炎葯相關性胃病中作用的臨床觀察Clinic Observation on Effects of Helicobacter Pylori - infection on Nonsteroidal Anti- inflammatory Drugs Associated Gastritic Damage
- 非甾體抗炎葯致老年人消化性潰瘍的臨床特點分析The clinical characteristics of peptic ulcer induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in aged
- 非甾體抗炎葯聯合肌松劑治療膝關節骨關節炎的臨床研究A clinical trial comparing non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs combined with muscle relaxant to non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
- 兩種非甾體抗炎藥物方案治療類風濕關節炎的成本--效用分析Cost-utility Analysis of Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis with Two Kinds of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
- 圓體sphericity
- "非" 操作NOT operation
- "非" 門inverter
- [數]體skew field
- (使)非物質化dematerialize
- 磷酸氯喹-抗瘧葯tresochid
- 骨關節抗炎葯diacerhein
- 胎生期外源性甾體激素暴露綜合征embryofuta exogeneous sex steroid exposure syndrome
- 消炎藥,抗炎葯antiphlogistic agent
- 細長體大攻角非對稱渦流的數值研究Numerical Investigation of Asymmetric Vortical Flow over a Slender Body at Large Angles of Attack
- 消炎藥,非甾類anti-inflammatory agents
- 航天器金屬熱防護結構非灰體隔熱層傳熱計算Numerical Simulation of Coupled Heat Transfer in Thermal Insulation with Non-Gray Media for Metallic Thermal Protection Systems
- 氨甲喋呤對充血性心力衰竭患者的非特異抗炎作用The nonspecific anti-inflammatory effect of methotrexate in patients with congestive heart failure
- 微尺度聚合物熔體的非等溫平板收縮流動數值模擬Numerical Simulation for Non- Isothermal Planar Contraction Flow of Micro Scale Polymer Melt