- In the blue corner, Buster Smith. 藍方,巴斯特·史密斯。
- Say, buster, where are you going? 老兄,你要上哪兒去?
- Hold it, Buster! Who do you think you are? 住嘴,混蛋!你以為你是誰?
- The policeman was known as a drug buster. 這位警察被稱作毒販剋星。
- Her favourite sport is riding the breaker in. 她最喜歡的運動是衝浪。
- In the blue corner,Buster Smith. 藍方;巴斯特·史密斯.
- Be careful, that girl is a real tease; she's the town heart- breaker. 小心,那是一個愛賣弄風騷的女孩,她是鎮上專傷男人心的人。
- Buster broke broncos. Buster was a bronco buster. 馴馬人制服了小野馬。馴馬人是牛仔。
- Blow it out your ear, you buster! 去你的,你這個混蛋!
- Stress is a known memory buster. 壓力是記憶的阻力。
- Displays the language of the word breaker. 顯示斷字元的語言。
- And I am a rut buster,I'm going to bust your rut. 而我則是一個成規破壞者,我要破壞你的成規。
- Siemens Low-voltage Circuit Breaker Co., Ltd. 西門子低壓斷路器有限公司。
- WALTER :Ah, come on Buster, stop wiggling! 停下來!我不希望我的照片是這樣子!
- Today is a thermometer breaker! Let's go swimming. 今天熱得溫度計都要爆了!我們去游泳吧。
- Main breaker current transformer for metering. 測量用主制動電流變壓器。
- Small "ice breaker" to put people at their ease. 小小「破冰」使人感到寬慰。
- Check for blown fuses or tripped breaker. 檢查保險絲是否燒斷,或斷路器是否跳閘。
- Check motor wiring and circuit breaker. 電機不轉檢查斷路器及電機接線。
- I heard you used to be a code breaker for the NSA. 聽說你以前是國安局的破譯員?