- 它也是BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform的基礎構件。it is also the basic component of the BEA Weblogic E_Business Platform.
- 另一種選項是,將業務邏輯放在Business代表中,後者充當模型。Another option is to put the business logic in a Business delegate, a facade that acts as the model.
- 此伺服器組件是Business Scorecard Manager績效管理系統的核心。The server component is the core of the Business Scorecard Manager performance management system.
- 使用Business Scorecard Builder時,為什麼必須以域帳戶的身份登錄?When I am using Business Scorecard Builder, why must I be logged on with a domain account?
- [person,business+] 賺錢to make money
- 這個詞只能用於find_business消息中。This is only used in the find_business message.
- contractors business包工工程
- wind up ones business閉業
- 是Worldwide Business Integration技術銷售支持小組的一位高級認證IT架構師。Is a Certified Senior IT Architect for the Worldwide Business Integration Technical Sales Support team.
- [+business,market] 高速發展的fast-growing
- E-business背景下專業市場的演進Special Market Evolution on E-business Background
- Business版光碟的商標顏色為藍色。The branding on the Business disc is blue.
- Survey of Current Business (美國)現代商業概覽
- find_business: 用於定位一個或多個商業實體的信息。find_business: Used to locate information about one or more businesses.
- [fig] [business,person+] 每況愈下to go downhill
- "B to C"指的是"business to consumer"。"B to C" would be "business to consumer".
- [inf] [bank account,business+] 負債to be in the red
- 打開Business Intelligence Development Studio,創建基於報表伺服器項目類型的新項目。Open Business Intelligence Development Studio, and create a new project based on a Report Server project type.
- E-Business Agent系統結構分析及關鍵技術Structural Analysis of E-Business Agent System and Its Key Technologies
- Business Intelligence Development Studio還提供了運行模型設計器和報表設計器的環境。Business Intelligence Development Studio also provides an environment for running Model Designer and Report Designer.