- He measures another's corn by his own bushel. 用自己的標準衡量別人; 以己度人。
- We have a bushel of things to do today. 今天我們有許多事情要做。
- He is a man who always hides his light under a bushel. 他是一個鋒芒不外露的人。
- Corn shot up to seventy-three cents a bushel. 穀物猛漲到一蒲式耳七十三美分。
- Wheat averages 56 pounds to a bushel. 小麥平均 56 磅為一蒲式耳。
- He may well measure your corn by his bushel. 他很可能以小人之心度君子之腹。
- Don't measure other's corn with your own bushel. 不要以己度人。
- Seed that yields up to300 bushels per acre. 每英畝能產三百蒲式耳的種子
- More words will not fill a bushel. 口惠與事無補。
- A container with the capacity of a bushel. 一蒲式耳容量的容器
- She has bushels of bad habits - Happy Birthday! 她蒲式耳的壞習慣-生日快樂!
- Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to about a bushel. 古希伯萊乾量單位約合一蒲式耳。
- Hide not your light under a bushel. 勿過份謙沖以致隱沒才能。
- Many word will not fill a bushel. 口惠而實不至。
- She bought a bushel of apples from the farmer. 她從農民那裡買來一蒲式耳的蘋果。
- Before you make friend, eat a bushel salt with him. 結交朋友前,先和他共吃斗鹽,交友誼謹慎。
- Many words will not fill a bushel. 空言無補
- Mere words will not fill a bushel. 空言無補
- Wheat brings one dollar a bushel. 小麥每斗賣一塊錢
- He measures another/'s corn by his own bushel. 用自己的標準衡量別人;以己度人。