- Bits of manure clung to his shoes and trousers. 皮鞋和褲子上沾著斑斑點點的糞塊。
- The smell of manure still clung to him. 肥料的味道仍然留在他身上。
- Plants grow better with the addition of manure . 添加肥料會使植物生長得更好。
- And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land. 結39:12以色列家的人、用七個月葬埋他們、要潔凈全地。
- Primroses need to be grown in rich damp soil with plenty of manure or composed worked into it. 迎春花需要種植在富有糞肥和堆肥的多濕的土壤中。
- Treatments of manure, lime, N, P, and K are necessary to maintain nutrient levels and productivity of the soil. 需要糞肥、石灰、氮、磷和鉀處理以維持土壤養分水平和生產力。
- Objective:To find the best plant soi l, kinds of fertilizer and methods of manure. 目的:找出最佳的種植土壤、施肥種類和施肥方法。
- Use plastic instead of wooden crates for easier cleaning.Keep scales and floors clean of manure, feathers, and other debris. 為便於清洗而使用塑料籠具代替木籠。保持稱量工具和地面清潔,無羽毛、糞尿和其他雜物。
- The facilities dispose of the vast amounts of manure by either spraying it as a liquid or spreading it as litter on nearby fields. 工業設備處理大量動物排泄物的方式,不是以液態噴洒出去,就是當做廢棄物散置在附近的田野。
- But there are also more subtle issues at stake in the burying of results showing minimal efficacy, and these have only been revealed through the investigative work of medical academics. 但更微妙複雜的是掩蓋有關療效不佳的數據。而這些事實,如果沒有醫學研究機構的調查,我們根本無法知道真相。
- Brackett said the use of manure as a fertilizer for produce typically co umed raw, such as inach, is not in keeping with good agricultural practices. 布蘭科特說,用糞便作為主要用於生吃的農產品的肥料,像菠菜,並不是好的農業種植行為。
- And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land. Kaum Israel akan mengubur mereka selama tujuh bulan dengan maksud mentahirkan tanah itu. 以色列家必用七個月葬埋他們,為要潔凈那地。
- Any farmer in his right mind who can get hold of manure to put on his land does so, because it's a cheap, long-lasting fertilizer. 只要他能設法取得堆肥,任何有常識的農夫都會這麽做,因為堆肥是一種又便宜有持久的肥料。
- The result showed that long-term application of manure and combination applying of NPM could significantly increase soil fertility. 結果表明:長期施用有機肥能夠明顯增加土壤養分,氮磷和有機肥配施效果顯著;
- For Luo, the completion of the bridge will be a historic moment: today's basketfuls of manure may be the last he has to carry through the river. 但對於羅農夫來說,大橋的建成將會會為歷史性的一刻:今天將是最後一次挑著滿藍的肥料過河。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能夠讓你相信我的誠意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少許憂鬱的氣質。
- If current AWMS is using a lagoon: 1) the depth of lagoons is higher than 1m and 2)the retention time of manure waste is greater than 1 month. 如果現有的糞便管理系統適用儲糞池:1)池深高於1米;2)池容足夠儲存1個月以上的糞污量。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 雲是天空中的水汽團。