- bury one's face in sth. 用某物把臉遮住
- The light from one side leaves half the subject' s face in shadow. 因光線來自一邊; 畫中人的臉有一半成為陰暗部分.
- How the buttercup』s petals shine: you can see another grasshopper』s face in them. 蟋蟀說,「我們那兒蒲公英和毛茛正在開花。
- Conclusion The change on colour degree of female』s face in Guangzhou city may be explored according to the natural growth periods by light-electric colour-metry measure. 結論 廣州市女性面色變化可以用色度學方法進行階段性探索、實現數字化表達,並可以指導化妝品的研製和生產。
- bury one's face in one's handkerchief 用手帕掩住臉
- To bury one's nose in one's manuscript is frowned upon. 埋頭讀稿是不可取的。
- to bury one's face in one's hands 雙手掩面
- I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh. 我掩著面嘆息。
- The true hero is able to 「rub their opponent』s face」 in it, like when some snooty old blue-nose told Winston Churchill at a cocktail party that he was drunk.「Yes, madam, I am drunk, and you are ugly. 真正的英雄能夠在較量中去「擦顯揭露對手的原形」,就像一次雞尾酒會上當某個妄自尊大的老藍鼻子告訴溫斯頓.;丘吉爾說他喝醉了,「是的,夫人,我醉了,而你很醜。」
- The girl ' s face mantled in joy. 那女孩高興得臉上泛起紅暈。
- She buried her face in her hands and wept. 她雙手掩面哭了起來。
- She spat at his face in contempt. 她吐口水在他的臉上,以此表示對他的蔑視。
- Have neither part nor lot in sth. 和某事一點關係也沒有
- She sat observing his face in profile. 她坐著從側面觀察他的臉。
- An undistinguished face in the crowd. 在人群中未注意到的面孔
- She saw displeasure with perplexity expressed in Viola』s face. 她看到薇奧拉臉上露出既困惑又不高興的神色。
- bury one's face in one's hands 用兩手捂住臉
- The light from one side leaves half the subject's face in shadow. 因光線來自一邊,畫中人的臉有一半成為陰暗部分。
- SCULLY stands and tosses the water in DOGGETT's face. 史高麗站起來,把水潑在了道吉特的臉上。
- The river water is very clear; you can see your face in it. 河水很清,你都能從裡面看清自己的臉。