- The entire gallery was engulfed in peals of laughter. 整個走廊立刻就被一陣陣的鬨笑聲淹沒了。
- They burst into peals of laughter. 他們爆發出陣陣笑聲。
- She burst into peals of laughter. 她忽然哈哈大笑起來。
- I wanted to become an angel. (All of us burst out in laughter. 我想成為天使啊。(眾笑)
- They burst into peals of laughter . 他們爆發出陣陣笑聲。
- The students broke out in a riot of laughter. 學生們突然放聲大笑。
- When asked,Tom shot out a sudden peal of laughter. 當問到他的時候,湯姆突然發出了一陣大笑。
- He suddenly burst out in laughter. 他突然大笑起來。
- A peal of church bells rang out in the distance. 遠處響起了一陣教堂的鐘聲。
- He burst out in a storm of abuse. 他突然大罵起來。
- Joseph at the words burst out into a wild fit of laughter. 喬瑟夫聽了這話,哈哈大笑。
- His humour made us break out in a fit of laughter. 他的幽默引起我們一陣大笑。
- My friend broke into another peal of laughter. 我這位朋友又咯咯笑了起來。
- The clown jumped about, and the audience burst into peals of laughter. 小丑上躥下跳,把觀眾逗得哈哈大笑。
- Will Banking Crisis Burst Out in China? 中國會爆發銀行危機嗎?
- Tilt your head back and let out a raucous peal of laughter .. 與別人創建一種令人滿足的,有意義的聯繫。
- He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears. 當這個學生掉下眼淚時,他緩和了他的聲音。
- Carried away by the grotesque horror of this picture, the minister, unawares, and to his own infinite alarm, burst into a great peal of laughter. 牧師的神思隨著這一荒唐可怖的畫面馳騁,在不知不覺之中突然爆發出一陣狂笑,連他自己都大吃一驚。
- Man's instinct for life will burst out in dangerous situations. 人的求生本能會在身處危情時爆發。