- The exhaust valve on my car have burn out three times. 我車子上的排氣閥已燒壞三次。
- We'll burn out the rats in the hole. 我們要用火把洞里的老鼠趕出來。
- To burn out is better than to fade away. 激情燃燒至死勝於默默褪色。
- It's better to burn out than to fade away! 與其慢慢凋謝,不如燦爛燃燒!
- Any electric light bulb will eventually burn out. 任何燈泡都有可能燒壞。
- The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 廚房裡的電燈泡燒壞了。
- Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out. 直到煙火散盡,名譽掃地。
- At this rate you'll burn out before you're 30. 以這樣的速度幹下去,不到30歲你就會垮的。
- The rocket will Burn out of fuel in three days. 火箭將在三天內將燃料燒完。
- The fact stood out cut in stetl on the pitiless daylight. 在無情的光天化日下,這個事實是確鑿無疑的。
- The small fire can safely be left to burn out. 剩下一點小火可以放心地讓它自行燒滅。
- The fact stood out cut in steel on the pitiless daylight. 在無情的光天化日下,這個事實是確鑿無疑的。
- Flames burned out two adjoining houses. 大火把附近兩棟房子燒掉了。
- The hotel was completely burnt out. 該旅館毀於大火。
- When you burn out, you lose enthusiasm, I always loved computers. All of a sudden I just didn't care. 一個人失去了興趣,就失去了熱心,我向來熱愛電腦,突然間我卻一點也不在乎。
- Yet all to often, these rebels burn out in a blaze of glory. 不管怎麼說,這些叛逆行為來自於榮耀地爆發。
- Does sodium bicarbonate water go can black head burn out nose skin? 小蘇打水去黑頭會不會燒壞鼻子皮膚?
- The Christmas tree caught fire, and the family was burned out. 聖誕樹著了火,全家都被迫逃了出來。
- The exhaust valve on my car has burnt out three times. 我車子上的排氣閥已燒壞三次。
- Friends Sam and John were out cutting wood when John cut his arm off. 薩姆和約翰兩個好朋友在外伐木,約翰砍斷了一隻胳膊。