- The bullet caught Sollozzo squarely between his eye and his ear and when it exited on the other side blasted out a huge gout of blood and skull fragments onto the petrified waiter's jacket. 子彈剛好打中索洛佐的眼睛和耳朵之間的地方,子彈從另一邊迸了出來,炸出了一大團血,血和頭骨碎片四處飛濺,也濺滿了給嚇得呆若木雞的堂倌的衣服。
- Fish were surfacing to catch insects. 魚浮到水面上捕捉昆蟲。
- The bullet merely creased his shoulder. 子彈只不過擦破了他肩部的皮膚。
- If I could only latch onto some of your know- how. 要是我能有一點你的那種決竅就好了。
- The bullet was expelled from the gun. 子彈從槍中射出。
- Latch on to some very valuable books. 搞到幾本極有價值的書。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 貓捉老鼠是本能。
- Please latch the front gate when you leave. 走時請把大門的碰鎖鎖好。
- Please leave the door latch shut. 請把門閂上。
- Her evil ways will certainly catch up with her. 她的惡劣行為必將使她自食其果。
- A bullet describes a curved path in the air. 子彈在空中作曲線運動。
- He always latch on to me when he see me at a party. 他在聚會上一看見我就總是纏著我。
- It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 這首歌很好,我想它會很快流行起來。
- He heard whizz of a bullet near his ear. 他聽到耳邊有子彈的颼颼聲。
- If I could only latch on to some of your know how! 要是我能有一點你的那種訣竅就好了。
- The bullet became lodged in her spine. 那顆子彈嵌在她的脊椎骨里。
- He catch the redeye from los angel to New York. 他趕上從洛杉磯到紐約的夜航班機。
- The bullet hit him in the chest. 子彈擊中了他的胸膛。
- I want to catch forty wink before the guest arrive. 我想在客人到達之前,先打個盹兒。
- He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus. 他跑得很快以便趕上那末班車。