- Skippers of HKRSI's performances at the 4th Asian Rope Skipping Championships in New Dehli, India. 跳繩學院學員在印度新德里參加第四屆亞洲跳繩比賽時的片段。
- Although foreign country leaded our many years, much of these products』s performances are not very perfectness. 儘管國外已經領先我們很多年,但是其中大多數性能並不是很理想,總是存在著這樣那樣的不足。
- But despite a quiet Sunday, van der Sar』s performances this season make it hard for understudies Tomasz Kuszczak and Tom Heaton to get a look-in. 即便周日比賽沒有受到考驗,但范德薩本賽季的表現還是讓替補門將庫茲薩克和希頓很難有出場的機會.
- It was impossible to fault the old actor' s performance. 要在這位老演員的表演中挑出毛病是不可能的。
- The updated control system can effitiently improve the machine』s performances, during its technics process of shot and pressurization. 分析與比較了降低排放的技術措施,以及燃油系統、增壓系統和電子控制系統的技術發展方向。
- GMM』s performance superiority and development is given. 概述了GMM的性能優越性和發展歷程;
- Pundits lauded Mr Obama’s performance in Europe. 眾多學者對奧巴馬在歐洲的表現交口稱讚。
- Of course, bonuses depend on the company』s performance. 當然,獎金的多少取決於公司業績的好壞。
- Monochromator in TEM can effectively diminish energy spread of the incident electron beam, consequently reducing the limitation on TEM』s performances by chromatic aberration. 在場發射槍透射電子顯微鏡上增加單色器(能量過濾器)可有效降低電子束的能量色散,減小色差對電子顯微鏡性能的影響。
- Last, the paper validates the system"s performance by experimentation. 最後通過實驗驗證了系統的性能。
- A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data. 磁鼓中用來暫時存放數據的一種緩衝區。
- This is a tool developed with VB's performance management source code. 這是一個用VB工具開發的成績管理源程序代碼。
- Both options offer interesting benefits to improving the E4's performance. 這兩種選擇,提供有趣的福利,以改善批E4類的工作表現。
- Videos were shown of Cheung"s performances in various parts of the world and a number of fans shared their thoughts about the Canto-pop star, who was affectionately known as Gor Gor (big brother). 活動中播放了許多張國榮在世界各地表演的錄象,許多榮迷交流了他們對這位香港明星(被親切的稱為「哥哥」)的感情。
- Zhu Ming』s performances consist of either enveloping himself with an immense blanket of sudsy bubbles or encasing himself within a plastic balloon, often in brutal and physically demanding ways. 出於藝術要求,藝術家將自己放置在肥皂泡沫中,或者在塑料氣球中。經常,這些藝術要求對他的身體是一種挑戰。
- I like American movie or TV because the actor』s performances are really natural.Maybe it is related to culture.You may see their embarrassment, pudency or tension, but you never see they are posing. 挺佩服老美的,他們拍的戲感覺就是特真實,這可能跟文化有關,他們主張個性的東西,不喜歡模仿,所以即使在表演中,你可以看到緊張、窘迫、害羞,但很少看到造作。
- The NAND flash memory and USB2.0 interface are introduced in the design of Dynamic Electrocardiogram to improve the DCG's performance and convenience. 在傳統動態心電圖機的設計基礎上;提出應用大容量NAND快閃記憶體和高速USB2.;0介面;提高心電圖機的性能和易用性。
- The judge stopped the competition after Maksim』s performance, immediately announcing him as the winner. 就像是手榴彈一樣,也會遭到塞爾維亞狙擊隊不時的突襲,在室外多待一秒就是多一份危險。
- C., &Dittman, D.A. (1995).Evaluating a hotel GM's performance: A case in benchmarking. 整合財務資訊之績效標竿分析--國際觀光旅館產業之應用。