budget making的用法和樣例:
- And by the summer, when the Office of Management and Budget revisits its budget assumptions, the Obama economic mess will be apparent to all.
等今年夏天管理及預算辦公室重新審查預算編製情況時,奧巴馬政府在經濟上的混亂就會大白於天下了。 - The central budget and the budgets of local governments at various levels shall be compiled according to the dual budget system.
第二十六條中央預算和地方各級政府預算按照複式預算編製。 - However, making a budget is clearly planning.
總之,編製預算,很明顯是一種計劃。 - Pricing was an immediate predecessor of the financial officers preparing the budget.
budget making的相關資料:
Budget Day
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Budget Business and Budget Control.
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Budget Preparation System Installation
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budgetary control/policies/reform