- If she should cry, she'll go against the hair of her profession. 如果她哭起來,將不符合她的職業身份。
- The hair of animals shows the same correlation. 動物毛髮也有同樣的相互關係。
- A man's hairstyle formed by brushing the hair up from the forehead. 大背頭一種男子的髮型,將頭髮從前額往上梳做成
- Aba: a fabricwoven of the hair of camels or goats. 駝毛織物:山羊毛織物駝毛或山羊毛織物。
- Cloth made of the hair of horses. 馬尾襯用馬毛制的織物
- A fabric woven of the hair of camels or goats. 駝毛織物,山羊毛織物駝毛或山羊毛織物
- The hair of a horse, especially from the mane or tail. 馬的毛髮,尤指馬鬃或馬尾的毛
- If she should cry,she'll go against the hair of her profession. 如果她哭起來,將不符合她的職業身份。
- The hair of a horse,especially from the mane or tail. 馬的毛髮,尤指馬鬃或馬尾的毛
- Brush the hair before shampooing and scrupulously wash combs and brushes. 洗髮前用發刷梳理頭髮,仔細清洗梳子和發刷。
- "Then a spirit passed by my face; The hair of my flesh bristled up. 有靈從我面前經過,我身上的毫毛直立。
- And if a man loses the hair of his head, he is bald; he is clean. 40人頭上的發若掉了,他不過是頭禿,還是潔凈。
- So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly run across my face to brush the hair from my forehead. 於是在感恩節的一個除夕深夜,當我睡在我年輕時候的床上睡覺時,一隻親切熟悉的手躊躇地撫摸過我的臉龐,掠開我額上的頭髮。
- The cuff of his jacket maybe,brushing the receiver. 也許是他的上衣袖口摩擦話筒的聲音。
- It's exactly the aroma of herbs. 沒錯兒,就是葯香。
- Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket. 約翰遜從他的夾克上撣頭髮。
- She gave the soup a quick scatter of herbs. 她把香料快速撒在湯上。
- Q: The hair of what color ought to Chun Xia season choose to take? 春夏季應當選擇什麼顏色的髮帶?
- Brushing the enemy aside, we swept into the next town. 我們掃除了敵人,昂首闊步地攻入了下一座城市。
- And a spirit passed before my face; The hair of my flesh bristled. 15有靈從我面前經過,我身上的毫毛直立。