Polar Bear on Brown Soil, Svalbard, Norway In Svalbard, Norway's Arctic archipelago, a camera trap catches a polar bear looking out of place on bare brown soil. 在挪威位於北極區的斯瓦爾巴群島,一架隱蔽式自動相機抓拍到一頭在裸露的棕土上四處張望的北極熊。
Strip soil found only in Hilly ease Okazaki, mainly yellow or yellow cinnamon brown earth soil. 地帶性土壤僅見於低丘緩岡,主要是黃棕壤或黃褐土。
A residue trends analytical method of GC-NPD was developed for the analysis of fonofos in red soil and yellow brown soil. 採用氣相色譜氮磷檢測器法研究了有機磷農藥地蟲硫磷在紅壤和黃棕壤中的殘留動態。
Brown earth is of high fertility. 褐土是一種肥力較高的土。
In unsullied damp brown circles of soft earth the roses bloomed serenely against the pink Mexican wall. 在未受污染的圓形花壇潮濕柔軟的褐土上,映襯著粉色的墨西哥牆,玫瑰花安詳地開放。