- "Broad-shouldered"是個複合字。"Broad-shouldered" is a compound word.
- broad-β-lipoprotein寬β-脂蛋白, 中間型脂蛋白
- 這個Outline視圖展示了This Outline view example shows how the
- 在Outline視圖中添加容器和夥伴Adding containers and partners in the Outline view
- Bsg6蛋白含有一個N端BTB(Broad-complex,Tramtrack,andBric-a-brac)結構域和兩個C端C2H2型鋅指結構域.Bsg6 protein contains a BTB(Broad-complex,Tramtrack,and Bric-a-brac) motif on the N terminus and two consecutive C_2H_2 zinc finger motifs on the C terminus.
- 部件添加到Outline視圖中,且該部件已打開並使它可供編輯。Part is added to the Outline view, and the part opens ready for editing.
- 所有這些視圖都顯示相同的數據,也和Outline視圖保持同步。All of the views will display the same data, and are synchronized with the Outline view.
- 被添加到Outline視圖中,並且該部件已被打開並準備被編輯。Is added to the Outline view, and the part opens ready for editing.
- 利用outline,您可以方便地找到源代碼中的適當引用,或者甚至搜索所有項目源代碼。With outline you can easily jump into the appropriate reference in the source code or even search all project source code.
- Outline窗口模塊提供了有關出現在源代碼中的過程、變數、聲明以及函數的快速視圖。The Outline window module provides a quick view on procedures, variables, declarations, and functions that appear in source code.
- 這與Eclipse插件中的標準Outline視圖形成了對比,後者中的Outline要求編輯器顯示所有輸入。This is in contrast to standard Outline views in Eclipse plugins, wherein the Outline applies for the entire input being displayed by the editor.
- 當您在Process樹中或Outline視圖上選擇一個節點時,Property視圖就被更新以反映該特定元素的屬性。When you select a node in the Process tree or on the Outline view, the Property view is updated to reflect the properties of that particular element.
- 您可能已經注意到,當您在Outline視圖和Hierarchy視圖中選擇了一個方法時,所選對象的類並非總是相同的。You may have noticed that when you selected a method in the Outline view and the Hierarchy view, the class of the selected object was not always the same.
- 您已經看到了如何使用主菜單和工具欄創建活動及其他結構元素,還看到了如何使用Outline視圖定義額外的元素。You have seen how to create activities and other structural elements using the main menus and toolbar, and how to define additional elements using the Outline view.
- 這個示例的Outline視圖當前只顯示了流程;稍後,當您定義容器和夥伴時,它們將出現在Outline視圖中的流程節點后。The Outline view for this example currently shows only the process; later, when you define containers and partners, they will appear in the Outline view after the process node.
- 選項卡以選擇outline視圖,這將向我們提供樹結構的JSP outline視圖,該視圖將有助於我們確保我們的頁面結構是正確的。Tab to select the outline view, which will give us a tree-structured outline view of our JSP that will help us ensure that our page structure is correct.