- His brilliant work testifies to his ability. 他卓越的工作表現證明了他的能力。
- But the solution touched off a storm of controversy and drama that threatened to overshadow the brilliant work. 但解決由此引發的一場風波的爭議和戲劇揚言要蓋過輝煌的工作。
- This brilliant work heralds the new age of nanotechnology, which will give us thorough and inexpensive control of the structure of matter. 這輝煌的工作,預示著新時代納米技術的,這將讓我們徹底和廉價的控制物質結構。
- Here is an amazing short clip I got of two US competitors at the 16th Annual UC Berkeley Chinese Martial Arts Tournament CMAT16. I thought it was brilliant work!!! 這個錄影是兩個美國武術運動員在加州伯克利大學武術錦標賽中!真的很厲害!
- The perceived value of your team can be affected as well because their brilliant work will get lost if a flood of criticism rolls in without contingencies in place. (如果結果不像預期的那樣)你整個團隊的成就感也就會受到影響,因為他們的成果將被那些無法預見的批評洪潮所沖毀。
- This brilliant work of Leconte is more about integrity, honor, love, and other intangibles than it is about its relatively simple storyline and the characters involved. 茱麗葉庇洛仙的美態與演技從本片開始轉營,不再驚艷卻變得耐看。
- This group is dedicated for all the people who share their brilliant works in Ferrania Solaris Film . 數位器材無法掩蓋人們對底片攝影的熱愛;
- The recording studio was gone, but Adrien』s creation is still continuing.We believe that there will be more brilliant works which we are longing for. 音樂廳消失了,但阿德里安的創作才華仍在繼續,相信在未來他還有更多的精彩作品值得我們期待。
- She is brilliant but her work lacks organization. 她很聰明,但工作缺乏條理。
- brilliant work of the millennium 千載華章
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未達到我的期望。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我認為這項工作能提前完成。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的辦公室工作是我的謀生之道。
- A brilliant sun lit up their rooms. 燦爛的陽光照亮了他們的屋子。
- This brilliant pupil is a credit to his teachers. 這名優秀生為老師增了光。
- Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky. 星星在晴朗的夜空閃亮。
- The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine. 這一帶鄉村沐浴在陽光里。
- He is reputedly brilliant at mathematics. 據說他在數學方面很有才能。
- He gets a work that gives scope for his abilities. 他得到了一份有機會發揮他才能的工作。
- The plant has a brilliant purple flower. 那棵植物開著一朵鮮艷的紫花。