- The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers. 工頭又雇傭了十多個人作泥瓦匠。
- He had an itch to get away and explore. 他等不及要動身去探險。
- They have an itch to travel abroad. 他們渴望去國外旅行。
- I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. 我因一直渴望著遙遙無期的事情而倍受折磨。
- I will handle the bricklayers myself. 我將親自來安排砌磚工人。
- Bricklayers and carpenters often use plumb lines. 瓦工和木工經常使用鉛垂線。
- His fingers itch at the sight of a game of chess. 看見下棋他就饞得慌。
- Itch (Itchy) skin is a common problem. 皮膚搔癢是一種常見問題。
- To feel, have, or produce an itch. 發癢感到癢、使人發癢或發癢
- Bricklayers and carpenters often use plumb lines . 瓦工和木工經常使用鉛垂線。
- Marilyn's got an itch to take up aerobics. 瑪里琳迫不急待地想學習特技飛行。
- She cannot resist the/her itch to travel. 她巴不得要去旅行.
- He has an itch for writing a book. 他渴望著著書立說。
- He could hardly sit still and itch to have a go. 他再也坐不住了, 心裡躍躍欲試。
- The Apartment, and The Seven Year Itch. 《公寓》、《七年之癢》。
- What you've said makes me itch to have a go. 噢,你的話使我躍躍欲試。
- Go on, I know you have an itch to tell me. 快點,我知道你迫不及待地想告訴我。
- His itch for adventure made his parents worried. 他渴望冒險,這使他的父母很擔心。
- My fingers itch to box his ears. 我手癢,很想打他的耳光。
- To scratch the itch of other people's comments? 挖掘他人發表意見的慾望?