- She crumb the bread before feeding it to the birds. 她把麵包弄碎,然後餵給鳥吃。
- The bird pecked at the bread crumbs. 鳥兒啄食麵包屑。
- I whisked the crumbs off the table. 我把碎屑從桌上拂去。
- The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast. 那孩子把麵包屑撒得到處都是。
- He put out crumbs for the birds. 他將麵包屑放在外面喂鳥兒。
- The maid brushed the crumbs from the table. 女傭拂去桌上的麵包屑。
- The housewife pounded the dried bread into crumbs. 這位主婦把乾麵包搗成碎屑。
- The waiter flicked the crumbs off the table. 服務員輕輕抖掉桌上的麵包屑。
- His few crumbs of kindness were strictly for the birds. 他的小恩小惠實在算不了什麼。
- Stir in breadcrumbs and set aside. 拌入麵包糠後置一旁待用。
- He gave me a few crumbs of information about the writer. 他為我提供了有關這位作家的一些情況。
- Roll the meat in the breadcrumbs. 用麵包屑將肉裹起來。
- He swept the crumbs off the table with his hand. 他用手拂去桌面上的麵包屑。
- It is for flour or breadcrumbs or icing sugar. 它是用來篩麵粉,麵包粉或糖粉的。
- Bread crumbs is mainly used for fried beefsteak and drumstick as frying dressing.The long and sliver-shaped breadcrumbs are of porous structure inside. 麵包糠是廣泛使用食品添加輔料,主要用於西餐炸牛排,炸雞腿等油炸輔料。
- He dropped crumbs of cake all over the table. 他把蛋糕屑丟得滿桌都是。
- She dusted the biscuit crumbs from her finger. 她把餅乾屑從手指上撣下。
- Sweep up the crumbs from under the table. 把桌下的碎屑掃起來。
- Dust the crumbs from your shirt. 把你襯衣上的麵包屑撣掉。
- She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket. 她把麵包屑掃進廢紙簍里。