- A dyke was built to retain the floods. 修了一道堤壩擋住洪水。
- The farmers have built a dyke to retain the water. 農民們修建了一座蓄水大堤。
- I met Jocelyn at a dyke bar in the city. 我和喬斯林初次見面是在城市一間女同酒吧。
- It's clearly a breach of contract. 這顯然是違反了合同。
- From the 16th to the 19th century the city developed parallel to the river, with the main street acting as a dyke. 從16世紀至19世紀這個城市沿著河流兩岸逐漸發展擴大,一些主要街道都擔當著河堤的作用。
- There are only three things the guys let you be if you're a girl in the military - a bitch, a ho, or a dyke. 只有三件事讓你的球員,如果你是一個女孩在軍事-一個婊子,一個鎬,或堤防。
- Your action is a breach of our agreement. 你的行動違反了我們的協議。
- So people append a ladle cover with a channel basin on the ladle with a dyke for nodulizing process, we call it tundish-cover nodulizing process. 為此人們在堤壩式鐵液包上添加了一個帶有澆口盆的包蓋,然後進行球化處理,我們稱之為蓋包法。
- It is not alarmism to refer to the old saying "that a little fish worm can damage a dyke". Neglect of details may lead to catastrophe. 尺蚓穿堤並非危言聳聽,不注意細節也會釀大禍。
- The waves made a breach in the sea wall. 海浪將防波堤沖開一個缺口。
- Your action is a breach of the agreement. 你們的行為違背了協議。
- The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall. 大浪在堤上衝出一個缺口。
- What does it matter if I refer to her as a dyke? Or if I call the Whalers faggots in theprivacy of my own office far from the sensitive ears of the rest of the world? 我叫她女變態有什麼不妥?或者我叫威爾一家人蠢蛋又有什麼關係?那些敏感的好事者又聽不到,這是我自己的私事。
- He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke. 他在一條石堤的掩護下匍匐前進。
- How high a dyke? 道高几尺?
- The peasants soon closed the Breach in the dyke. 農民們很快修復了堤壩的裂口處。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少許憂鬱的氣質。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 雲是天空中的水汽團。