- One man stumbled out in boxer shorts. 有一個人穿著拳擊褲跌跌撞撞地走了出來。
- CHARMEUSE STRIPE BOXER SHORTS With button closure and fly front. 魅力線條男性內褲:條紋布料,前端開扣,陪你度過每個重要時刻。
- "There were reindeer on his boxer shorts," he said, making a joke about how all the deer were red-nosed from blood. 「他短褲里有隻馴鹿,」他說,接著開始取笑所有的馴鹿是如何被血染成紅鼻子的。
- Whether he wore it to go with the red striped boxer shorts that poked above his jeans remained open to speculation. 有人猜測,他可能是為了與露在牛仔褲外面的紅色條紋拳擊短褲搭配。
- Suter, wearing only his boxer shorts, was hit and knocked out by a flying lamp before the tornado sucked him through the collapsed home walls. 龍捲風呼嘯而至時,只穿著一條拳擊短褲的蘇特來不及反應,就被一盞飛起來的檯燈砸昏在地。緊接著,猛烈的龍捲風將他從倒塌的牆壁中卷了出來,並將他拋到400米之外。
- Usually this means wearing thick, appropriately modest boxer shorts, but bloomers, slips, briefs, and boxer-briefs all work as well. 通常情況下這表示僅穿厚一點的、不花哨的平腳內褲,其他諸如短襯褲、襯裙、三角褲和緊身平腳褲都可以。
- The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) asked visitors to Chelsea Flower Show to donate clean unwanted bras, boxer shorts and jockey pants for its summer Grow Your Own campaign. 此項活動旨在讓人們知道自己動手種植一些果蔬並不一定需要很大的空間或者投入大量的資金,人們需要的只是多一點想象力,將廢物充分利用就好。
- There was that time, too, in faraway Kyrgyzstan, gathering juniper branches in the snow for window decorations and exchanging used books wrapped in boxer shorts. 還有一次,在遙遠的吉爾吉斯斯坦,在雪中收集松枝,裝飾窗戶,交換用拳擊短褲包裝的舊書。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未達到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我們能逃脫簡直是個奇迹。
- The boxer is whaling away at his opponent with both fists. 拳擊手用雙拳向他的對手連續猛擊。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那個拳擊家是個大肚漢。
- Now comes the onslaught of Obama merchandise.According to a report in The London Times, companies are marketing Obama-themed sneakers, cola, boxer shorts, coffee, hot sauce, lollipops and ice cream. 現在攻擊的是奧巴馬的商品,根據倫敦時報的一篇報道,許多公司銷售奧巴馬為主題的運動鞋,可口可樂,短褲,咖啡,熱醬,棒棒糖和冰淇淋。
- The boxer let his opponent off the hook many times. 那拳擊手失掉了許多次擊敗對手的機會。
- The boxer was laid out in the fifth round. 那個拳擊手在第五回合中被擊昏在地。
- The boxer was still suffering case of rabbit ears. 拳擊手仍然還有對觀眾反應過分敏感的毛病。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 從眼前來看,這葯可能療效不是很大。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 戰爭無望在短期內結束。
- The boxer has fought many opponents. 該拳手已與許多對手交鋒。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不這樣就不能挽回局面。