- We must unfold a struggle in the Party against bourgeois ideas. 要在黨內開展反對資產階級思想的鬥爭。
- Po I-po's mistake is a manifestation of bourgeois ideas. 薄一波的錯誤,是資產階級思想的反映。
- Po I-po's mistake is a reflection of bourgeois ideas inside our Party. 薄一波的錯誤是資產階級思想在黨內的反映。
- He made his mistake because he succumbed to the influence of bourgeois ideas. 他的錯誤,是受了資產階級思想的影響。
- In our educational work we must explain that in its social origin individualism is a reflection within the Party of petty-bourgeois and bourgeois ideas. 個人主義的社會來源是小資產階級和資產階級的思想在黨內的反映,當進行教育的時候必須說明這一點。
- Naturally, we should adopt a scientific approach towards capitalism and towards bourgeois ideas. 對於資本主義、資產階級思想,當然也要採取科學的態度。
- Naturally,we should adopt a scientific approach towards capitalism and towards bourgeois ideas. 對於資本主義、資產階級思想,當然也要採取科學的態度。
- Isn't it a fact that reactionary bourgeois ideas have found their way into the militant Communist Party? 資產階級的反動思想侵入了戰鬥的共產黨,這難道不是事實嗎?
- From the ideological and cultural perspective, it is mainly influenced by feudal and decadent bourgeois ideas and culture and pluralist culture. 從思想文化視角分析,衍生性權力腐敗的產生主要受到了封建殘餘思想文化、資產階級腐朽思想文化和當前多元思想文化的影響;
- But at the time only bourgeois ideas related to corruption and waste got a good thrashing, while those manifesting themselves in questions concerning the Party line were not dealt with. 但是,當時僅僅給了貪污浪費這方面的資產階級思想以基本打擊,而對在路線問題上反映出來的資產階級思想並沒有解決。
- The objective basis reflects in five aspects: the needs of correcting inner-party wrong thinking, of combating bookishness and experientialism, of combating Right Opportunism, of combating "Left" Adventurism, and of combating inner-party bourgeois ideas. 客觀依據體現在五個方面:糾正黨內錯誤思想的需要,反對本本主義、經驗主義的需要,反對右傾機會主義的需要,反對「左」傾冒險主義的需要,反對黨內資產階級思想的需要。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他頭腦里突然閃過一個念頭。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信將使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何經商。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在戶外聚會是我的主意。
- That stubborn man always cleave to his idea. 那固執的人不願改變想法。
- He batted the idea around in his head. 他腦子裡反覆思考這個想法。
- This is a typical bourgeois neighborhood. 這是一個典型的中產階級地區。
- His ex-wife was a very bourgeois person. 他的前妻是個很貪圖享受的人。