- The cabin was built on the border of the forest. 小屋蓋在樹林的邊緣。
- We pitched our tent on the border of the lake. 我們在湖邊搭帳篷。
- Is the color of the border of an inactive window. 它是非活動窗口邊框的顏色。
- HTTOP In the upper horizontal border of the window. HTTOP在窗口水平邊框的上方。
- Soldiers patrol near the border of the country. 士兵在國境線一帶巡邏。
- Who enforces the laws of the county? 問:誰執行縣的法律?
- Town government from the county seat of the 1 km. 鎮政府所在地距縣城1公里。
- Right-click the border of the shape or text box. 右鍵單擊形狀或文本框的邊框。
- HTLEFT In the left border of the window. HTLEFT在窗口的左邊框上。
- Bright neon lights mark the borders of the states. 明亮的氖燈作為各州的邊界。
- Tom was on the border of death because of the accident. 湯姆因為這次意外而瀕臨死亡。
- That represents the sizing template of the left border of a window. 屬性返回表示窗口左邊框的大小調整模板的。
- HTBOTTOM In the lower horizontal border of the window. HTBOTTOM在窗口的水平邊框的底部。
- In this border of the world which is to us imprisoned he is baldio. 明亮歡快的火焰稍縱即逝,剩下無限的黑暗讓人惆悵。
- They dwelt on the borders of the country. 他們居住在這個國家的邊境上。
- They live on the borders of the country. 他們住在該國的邊境。
- I finished the pillowcase with a border of lace. 我給枕套加了一個寬花邊。
- The Button control moves to align with the left border of the cell. Button控制項移動,以便與單元格的左邊框對齊。
- Click on the border of the text box to select the entire box. 單擊文本框的邊框以選中整個框。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大塊蘋果。