- You can see that, with the exception of boolean, any primitive type can be cast to any other primitive type. 大家可以看到,除boolean以外,任何一種主類型都可通過造型變為其他主類型。
- You can see that,with the exception of boolean,any primitive type can be cast to any other primitive type. 大家可以看到,除boolean以外,任何一種主類型都可通過造型變為其他主類型。
- Java allows you to cast any primitive type to any other primitive type,except for boolean,which doesn't allow any casting at all. Java允許我們將任何主類型「造型」為其他任何一種主類型,但布爾值(bollean)要除外,後者根本不允許進行任何造型處理。
- Java allows you to cast any primitive type to any other primitive type, except for boolean, which doesn't allow any casting at all. java允許我們將任何主類型「造型」為其他任何一種主類型,但布爾值(bollean)要除外,後者根本不允許進行任何造型處理。
- It is, in fact, a primitive type of calendar. 事實上是一種最原始的日曆。
- Java determines the size of each primitive type. java決定了每種主要類型的大
- Option, each primitive type is instead implemented as a property. 選項,則每個基元類型都實現為一個屬性。
- It can also be one of the primitive types. 它也可以是主類型之一。
- Manipulates arrays of primitive types. 操作基元類型的數組。
- Is a primitive type or serves as a base class to a complex hierarchy. 是基元類型還是充當複雜層次結構的基類,以上都成立。
- Calls that use this primitive type fail if the count is less than two. 如果頂點計數小於二,則使用此基元類型的調用將失敗。
- A primitive type can be cast to any type derived from that primitive type. 基元類型可以轉換為該基元類型所派生的任何類型。
- Is the number of primitives as determined by the primitive type. 是由基元類型確定的基元數。
- Built-in types include both primitive types and derived types. 內置類型包括基元類型和導出類型。
- That means that if you want to make a nonprimitive object on the heap to represent that primitive type, you use the associated wrapper. 這意味著假如想讓堆內一個非主要對象表示那個主類型,就要使用對應的封裝器。
- Gets a value indicating whether the Type is one of the primitive types. 獲取一個值,通過該值指示Type是否為基元類型之一。
- It traverses the base class hierarchy of the class until it finds a primitive type. 則將遍歷該類的基類層次結構,直到找到基元類型。
- A variable of a primitive type always holds a value of that exact primitive type. 簡單類型的變數總是執持簡單類型的值。
- Consider defining operator overloads in a type that should work like a primitive type. 考慮在其用法應類似於基元類型的類型中定義運算符重載。
- Indicates that a field should be treated as containing a fixed number of elements of the specified primitive type. 指示欄位應被視為包含指定基元類型的固定數目的元素。