- The bookkeeper was entering up the sales for the past month. 會計正把上個月的銷售帳目登入帳簿。
- As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December. 跟往常一樣,年度審計將在十二月份進行。
- Walter was a bookkeeper for this Harry Gordon. 沃爾特是這個哈里·戈登的薄記員。
- Eric earned his bread and butter as a bookkeeper, but added a little jam by working with a dance band on weekends. 埃里克以當簿記員來維持生計,且利用周末當舞會伴奏賺些外快。
- A small business may employ only one bookkeeper. 小企業可以只僱用一個簿記員。
- Miles slipped easily into the bookkeeper's work. 邁爾斯不費什麼力氣便適應了記帳員的工作。
- Audit was a sitting of the council in Exchequer. 審議是該會議在財政部的一次例令。
- The bookkeeper drew a check for me. 會計給我開了一張支票。
- With what book is fundamental bookkeeper better? 基礎會計用什麼書比較好呢?
- In addition, the bookkeeper does the payroll. 另外,出納員要做工資表。
- The yearly audit takes place each December. 年度審計在每年十二月份進行。
- This is a bookkeeper's artifact. 這是記賬的事。
- They work non-stop to finish the audit on time. 他們不停地工作以按期完成審計工作。
- He is the manager of the Internal Audit Department. 他是內部審計部主管。
- I was the senior auditor of the China Audit Firm. 我曾經做過中國審計事務所的高級審計師。
- Specific checklists should be used for each audit. 每次審核應使用指定的檢查表
- At the same time tax audit was reinforced. 同時,稅收檢查要加強。
- All day long Sally was a good and diligent bookkeeper and salesman. 賽利一天到晚勤勤懇懇地當一個好簿記員和售貨員。
- How do I protect audit and log files? 如何保護審核文件和日誌文件?
- Prepare the quality file material for the audit. 準備相關的審核資料。