- The division's bonus pool is divvied up - in large part - on the basis of the rankings. 部門的獎金總額很大程度上是按評估等級分配的。
- But this is unlikely to calm public fury, which could flare up again when Goldman announces its bonus pool. 但這不可能平息公眾的憤怒,當高盛公布其獎金池計劃時這些憤怒可能再次點燃。
- Reportedly the Wall Street bonus pool in 2007 was a staggering $26 bln and by the end of that year the various crises where already in full swing. 據報道到去年底為止,即使各種危機已經風雨飄搖,2007年華爾街的獎金池也達到了令人驚愕的2600億美元。
- The FSB will report to the G20 and include guidelines on limits to the bonus pool in banks, bonus deferral and greater disclosure of banks' bonus policies and level of risk. FSB會向G20峰會提交報告,報告中將包括對銀行的紅利池限制,紅利延期發放,提高銀行紅利政策和風險程度披露力度的指導方針。
- By the end of this year, the firm's current 349 partners stand to divvy up the smallest bonus pool that Goldman has produced, on a per capita basis, since going public in 1999. 今年底,高盛現有的349位合伙人將分享自該公司1999年上市以來總量最少的獎金。
- Never mind that this number was roughly one-third down on last year's equivalent totals, and that headhunters expect most banks' bonus pools to shrink by around 50%. 一不用提,與去年相對應的總數相比這個數字大約下降了三分之一,且獵頭們預計大多數銀行獎金池大約要縮水50%25;
- There was no accord to cap bonuses.Instead there was a request for the FSB to explore whether individual banks' bonus pools should be limited, depending on specific circumstances. 對於設立獎金上限的問題沒有達成一致,而是要求金融穩定委員會考察是否應當根據具體情況對各家銀行的獎金池設限。
- Let's dunk in the pool before dinner. 我們飯前到池塘里泡一會兒。
- The pool is surrounded by sunbathe. 水池四周都是進行日光浴的人。
- The warm weather in winter has been a real bonus. 冬天有這樣暖和的天氣真是喜出望外。
- A wave broke across the surface of the pool. 一個波浪從池水表面掠過。
- What does your share of the bonus work out at? 算出你應得的紅利是多少?
- There is a swimming pool in the park. 公園裡有一個游泳池。
- The corpse lay face down in a pool of blood. 屍體俯卧在血泊中。
- She's very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus. 她因未能獲得獎金而深感不滿。
- The pool of water on the playground evaporated in the sun. 操場上水坑裡的水在陽光下蒸發了。
- The extra two-day holiday was a real bonus. 外加的兩天假期真是額外之所得。
- A fringe of trees stood round the pool. 池塘四周聳立著一圈樹木。
- The workers are expecting a large Christmas bonus. 工人們期待著在耶誕節得到一大筆獎金。
- They stripped off and jumped into the pool. 他們脫掉衣服,跳進了池子。