- The bluish white jade is a variety of the white jade, bring light greenish blue in the color is white. 青白玉是白玉的一個品種,顏色白中帶淡青。此種色不如白玉。
- The weight of general white jade is smaller than the blue and green or bluish white jade, because black jade contains relatively small weight of lighter graphite scale. 一般白玉體重小於青或青白玉,墨玉因含有較輕的石墨鱗片而體重較小。
- The jade light is chiselled and made with the sum Tian bluish white jade. 玉燈用和闐青白玉琢制。
- The white jade can also be divided into white jade and bluish white jade according to the color. 白玉按顏色還可分為羊脂玉和青白玉。
- Next to Terri Payne and by the wheel of the cannon can clearly be seen a strange bluish white mist. 靠近特里佩涅並且靠近炮輪的地方我們可以看到一團奇怪的發藍發白的煙霧。
- Leaf blade nearly 3-lobed, ovate-oblong. Sepals usually bluish white, vein anastomose solitary. Staminodes absent. 葉片差不多3淺裂,卵狀長圓形。通常帶藍色白色的萼片,脈網結的單一;退化雄蕊缺席。
- This pieces of jade weared by baron with and Tian bluish white jade chisel, it is each that engrave by treasure that carve. 這塊佩玉是用和闐青白玉琢成,是一件鏤雕的珍品。
- Hot bluish white clusters of massive stars are scattered throughout the galaxy, interspersed with numerous dustier reddish regions of current star formation. 熾熱的藍白色大質量恆星群遍布整個星系,散布在眾多充滿塵埃略帶紅色的恆星誕生區中。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 這種布有藍白格子的圖案。
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格蘭隊穿著藍白色運動衣進行比賽。
- I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border. 我丟了一塊帶藍色花邊的白手絹。
- Mrs White always talks a blue streak. 懷特太太總是一開口就滔滔不絕。
- Those trees have very beautiful white bark. 那些樹長著非常漂亮的白色樹皮。
- The enamel of her teeth is very white. 她牙齒的琺琅質很白。
- White is a very becoming color on you. 你穿白色衣服很好看。
- The curtains have white flowers on a blue ground. 這些窗帘的圖案是藍底白花。
- The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white. 今天早上的天空是幅藍白相間的畫面。
- A moderate or dark bluish green to greenish blue. 深色的帶藍色的綠色到呈綠色的藍色。
- A light bluish green to light greenish blue. 水綠色,淺綠色淺藍綠色至淡綠藍色
- The sky this morning was a mosaic of blue and white. 今天早上的天空是幅藍白相間的畫面。