- A row, as of leaves or snow, heaped up by the wind. 被風吹而堆起來的一排(樹葉、雪等)
- blow hard; be gusty, as of wind. 吹的凜冽;暴風的,用於形容風。
- I know that as of last week he was still unmarried. 我知道到上星期為止他還沒有結婚。
- A gust of wind caused the curtains to blow out. 一陣風把窗帘吹了起來。
- The property belongs to her as of right. 這財產按理說是屬於她的。
- The contract takes effect as of October1. 本合同從十月一日起生效。
- A gust of wind blew the door shut. 一陣大風吹來,把門關上了。
- The rule takes effect as of July1. 本規定自7月1日起生效。
- He's just full of wind, the pompous fool! 他空話連篇,是個自負的蠢材!
- A clump or tuft, as of growing grass. 生草叢一叢,一簇,如一叢草
- A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater. 邊容器、鈴和坑的邊緣
- A flurry of wind upset the small boat. 一陣疾風吹翻了小船。
- The highest point, as of perfection. 最高點,頂點完美的最高點
- A gust of wind made the candles flare. 一陣風吹得燭光搖曳。
- The lowest part, as of an embankment or a dam. 坡腳最底下的部分,如堤防或壩的
- A puff of wind swept his hat off. 一陣風把他的幾十。
- An act of emptying, as of the bowels. 排泄排泄的行為,如排便
- An anthology, as of ballads or poems. 選集民歌選集或詩歌選集
- A long, flexible snout or trunk, as of an elephant. 長鼻,吻如大象的柔軟而長的吻或鼻
- He walked away as fast as a gust of wind. 他拔腳就走了,一陣風兒似的。