- black to white frequency swing 黑白間頻率差
- Recite those romantic poetry from black to white. 默念浪漫的詩句從黑夜到黎明。
- A letter from black to white Andyou, call me "color"? 而你,卻叫我"有色人種"?
- To say you are moving from a black to white situation is an understatement! 如果說你現在正從黑暗的狀況轉向明亮的狀況是無需多說的。
- Apply a Gradient (black to white) layer mask to hide the bottom of the clouds. 適用的梯度(黑白色)圖層蒙版隱藏底部的雲彩。
- Click on the mask thumbnail. Apply a black to white gradient in radial mode as shown in the thumbnail. 點擊調整圖層的蒙板縮略圖,對它應用一個由黑到白的徑向漸變!
- The dimension of the color of an object by which the object appears to reflect or transmit more or less of the incident light, varying from black to white for surface colors and from black to colorless for transparent volume colors. (顏色的)淺淡可以從物體對入射光的光亮反射或透射程度的多少來決定的光亮度,從變化上對於表面來說可從黑色到白色,對於透明色來說是從黑色到無色
- A large falcon(Falco rusticolus) of Arctic regions, having color phases that range from black to gray to white. 矛隼一種生長在北極地區的大隼(矛隼隼屬)它羽毛的顏色包括黑色,灰色和白色等色型
- In the other hand, the colour of ceramic coating transforms from black to white. 硅元素在陶瓷塗層的外側及陶瓷塗層與基體的交界處陶瓷塗層一側含量較多,在陶瓷塗層中間含量少。
- So as you can see below, here we're adding a Gradient Overlay from black to white, faded out a bit and on Overlay mode. 因此,你可以看到下面,在這裡,我們要添加的梯度覆蓋由黑變白,消失有點和覆蓋模式。
- Finally, let's add a Gradient Map (black to white) adjustment layer to increase the dramatic effect on the entire design. 最後,讓我們添加一個梯度地圖(黑白色)調整層,增加巨大影響整個設計。
- A large slug (Ariolimax columbianus) of the northwestern forests of North America, ranging in color from black to white but often having a bright yellow body with black spots. 香蕉蛞蝓:北美洲西北部森林中的大蛞蝓(香蕉蛞蝓,哥倫比亞蛞蝓),顏色從黑色到白色變化不一,但通常為帶黑斑點的明黃色身體
- A business must stay in the black to keep on. 一個公司必須盈利才能維持。
- Bush finally heading to White House. 美國大選落幕,小布希入主白宮。
- He was the first black to be elected as Mayor. 他是第一位被選為市長的黑人。
- To classify different segmented regions as text regions or non-text regions, two features of the black to white pixel ratio (BWR) and the cross-count (CC) of pixels were used for the classifications. 對分割后的圖像,本文採用黑白像素比(BWR)及黑白像素交替變換數(CC)兩個特徵進行進一步的分類。
- Naturally, a business must stay in the black to keep on. 當然一個企業,必須營利才能維持。
- High resistance to white interference. 高抗白光干擾能力。
- Many of us prefer red meat to white meat. 牛羊肉等紅色肉類。
- He potted the black to take a 7-3 lead. 他把黑球擊入袋中,以 7:3 領先。