- bishop's crook image 主教的彎柄杖樣影
- The bishop anointed the new king with oil. 主教為新國王登基舉行塗油儀。
- The new bishop took orders only two years ago. 新主教兩年前才接受聖職。
- This priest wants to become a bishop. 這位牧師想成為主教。
- The new church is consecrated by the bishop of Chester. 在切斯特的主教主持下舉行了新教堂的奉獻禮。
- The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service. 主教在儀式上為許多人施行了堅信禮。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- The bishop officiated at the cathedral. 主教在大教堂執行聖職。
- Click on image(s) to enlarge view. 點擊圖像(),以放大的看法。
- They were married by her (ie the bride's) father, who's a bishop. 新娘的父親是主教,為他們主持了婚禮。
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列問題。
- This image is an evolution from the dignified European bishop. 此形象演化自這位高貴的歐洲主教。
- Most plural nouns in English end in s'. 英語的複數名詞多以s結尾。
- The area which a bishop administer have one cathedral and many smaller church. 一個主教所掌管的地區包括一個大教堂和許多較小的教堂。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- The new church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester. 在切斯特的主教主持下舉行了新教堂的奉獻禮。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 這就是那些圖樣.;你喜歡哪一個[些]?