- An inhibition of prostaglandins by MPS was also found. 多磺酸粘多糖還能抑制前列腺素。
- Genetics and biochemistry of anthocyanin biosynthesis. 參考文獻: Holton TA; Cornish EC.
- Use of prostaglandin E2 is safe for cervical ripening. 也可用前列腺素E2促進宮頸成熟。
- Results HPLC improved the determined fineness of Prostaglandin E_1. 結果HPLC法提高了前列腺素E_1含量測定的精密度。
- Suppresses the production of prostaglandins which causes inflammation. 防止產生前列腺素髮炎物質。
- Conclusion We can determine the content of Prostaglandin E_1 with HPLC. 結論可用HPLC準確測定前列腺素E_1的含量。
- The following discussion deals with the embryology, morphology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the female reproductive organs in farm mammals. 本章討論母畜生殖器官的胚胎學、形態學、解剖學和生物化學。
- Effect of drought press on the physiology and biochemistry of Allium ampeloprasum L. 乾旱脅迫對南歐蒜生理生化指標的影響。
- Dear Prof. Zhiquan Liang, You will Always be with Department of Biochemistry of Peking Union Medical College! 敬愛的梁植權院士,協和生化系永遠懷念您!
- The potent oxytoic effect of prostaglandins has been used to induce abortion and labor in women. 前列腺素具有強烈的催產效果,用於引起婦女的流產和分娩。
- This can only be accomplished if one has a biological ability to transmute DNA and the biochemistry of the form. 這隻有當你擁有生物能力來轉化DNA和生化結構時才能完成。
- AMG is a non-selective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor and could inhibit synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs). AMG是非選擇環氧化酶(Cyclooxygenase,COX)抑製劑,通過抑制前列腺素(Prostaglandins,PGs)合成發揮較強抗炎鎮痛作用。
- The strength of the contractions depends on the amount of prostaglandins your body produces. 收縮的力量取決於你的身體分泌的前列腺素的多少。
- From the intricate biochemistry of individual cells to the elaborate structure of the human brain, it has produced wonders of unimaginable complexity. 從個別細胞複雜的生化反應到人腦的精密結構,演化所造就的奇迹,能達到難以想像的複雜度。
- Senility can occur if the biochemistry of the neurons in the brain alters enough that they can no longer transmit thoughts. 衰老糊塗會在大腦中的神經元生化結構改變到不再傳送思維時發生。
- Evening primrose oil plays an important role in the formation of prostaglandins. 月見草油中發揮著重要作用的前列腺素的形成。
- However,an appreciation of the biochemistry of less complex forms of life is often of direct relevance to human biochemitry. 不管怎樣,對低等生物的生化方面的認識往往是因為它們和人類生化有直接聯繫。
- Bewley JD,Black M.Physiology and biochemistry of seeds.1982,57-58 (vol2,Vability,dormancy and environmental control,NewYork:Springe-Verlag). 傅家瑞.;種子活力的生理生化現狀研究
- The traditional separation,culture and reaction of biochemistry of bacterium can not satisfy in diagnosing various bacteria. 傳統的細菌分離、培養及生化反應,不能滿足對各種病原微生物的診斷。
- The results suggestedthat ZOE and indomethacin could effectively block the cyclo-oxygenase pathway andreduce the production of prostaglandins. 結果提示局部應用ZOE和消炎痛都能有效抑制環氧化酶途徑,減少前列腺素的生成。