- Go beyond one's duty in doing sth. 超越職權範圍做某事
- Borrowing with due date beyond one year or one operating cycle. 指到期日在一年或一個營業周期以上之借款。
- Something is beyond one's reach. 夠不到某物。
- But the problems go beyond one case. 但問題超越一案。
- It' s donkey' s years since we' ve seen each other. 我們有年頭兒沒見面了.
- Things are beyond one's control. 事不由己。
- The borders of his land lie out far beyond one's line of sight. 他的土地一望無邊。
- Long-term notes, accounts receivable and overdue charges that due beyond one year or one operating cycle. 指收款期間在一年或一個營業周期以上之應收票據、帳款及催收帳款。
- The borders of the praire lie out far beyond one's line of sight. 這片草原一望無際。
- And last month , he became one of the 25 winners of this year』s year's MacArthur Fellowshipsfellowships, commonly called genius gracegrants. 並且在上個月他成為25名麥克阿瑟獎學金獲得者之一,通常這個獎學金被成為天才補助金。
- To sleep beyond one's usual or intended time for waking. 睡過頭睡得超過了自己通常或打算起床的時間
- Things are beyond one's control. or Things are getting out of hand. 事不由己。
- If you break the phone in one year, we can give you a new phone, but after, how to say, beyond one year we cannot. 如果你在一年之內把手機用壞了,我們可以給你一個新的,但是在此之後,怎麼說呢,超過一年我們不能。
- That change in emphasis leaches the melodrama from Mr.Nolan』s original conception, but it gives the story tension and interest beyond one man』s personal struggle. 這種改變將諾蘭先生的原創觀念從個人的掙扎中超脫出來,賦予故事以張力和趣味。
- Notes receivable due within one year or less are current assets and those notes due beyond one year are long-term receivables. 一年或一年以內到期的應收票據是流動資產,期限超過一年的項目是長期應收項目。
- During Gorbachev"s years on the world stage, the only better-known national leader was Ronald Reagan. 他為消滅蘇聯專政統制、為民眾和社會尋求自由做出了巨大貢獻。
- According to the Lexicon, Arthur』 s year of birth is unknown, but we can extrapolate based on his oldest child's age. 根據百科全書,亞瑟的出生年份不詳,但我們可以由他的長子的年齡推斷。
- A collection can be worth well beyond one's every day personal belongings. 集合可以值得遠遠超出一個人的每一天的個人財物。
- Anyway, this article is written with the author"s years of working experience in this company.She hereby apologizes if there are mistakes in the article. 但不論如何,這仍是作者在該公司工作多年的經驗總結,不敬之處,經請原諒。
- Weare able to conclude that the career path of graduates fromsino-foreign institute is pointing towards foreign enterprise, based onRDI』s year 2007 graduate survey. 東華萊佛士畢業生就業去向的統計數據顯示,截止到2007年底,外企是中外合作辦學學生的主要流向。