- Go beyond one's duty in doing sth. 超越職權範圍做某事
- Faeng Boyi: You actually revealed the things of the two sides beyond one's vision. 實際上你把旁邊看不到的都給它展示出來。
- Something is beyond one's reach. 夠不到某物。
- But the problems go beyond one case. 但問題超越一案。
- Things are beyond one's control. 事不由己。
- GDV's vision is to deliver "Simple Pleasures" to wine enthusiasts. GDV的願景是「簡單的樂趣」的葡萄酒愛好者。
- The borders of his land lie out far beyond one's line of sight. 他的土地一望無邊。
- Besides that, it also provides educational function.Through education, it expends one』s vision and knowledge, and it provides more positive participation in both brain and body. 而在教育的體驗中,教育需要客體更多的積极參与,要確實擴展一個人的視野、增加他的知識,教育必須積極使用大腦和身體。
- At Ford,we believe that the PRC's vision of the family car provides that unity. 福特公司認為,中國家用小汽車的理想能提供這樣一個統一體。
- The borders of the praire lie out far beyond one's line of sight. 這片草原一望無際。
- Borrowing with due date beyond one year or one operating cycle. 指到期日在一年或一個營業周期以上之借款。
- To sleep beyond one's usual or intended time for waking. 睡過頭睡得超過了自己通常或打算起床的時間
- Things are beyond one's control. or Things are getting out of hand. 事不由己。
- That change in emphasis leaches the melodrama from Mr.Nolan』s original conception, but it gives the story tension and interest beyond one man』s personal struggle. 這種改變將諾蘭先生的原創觀念從個人的掙扎中超脫出來,賦予故事以張力和趣味。
- MFF President Pinchinnyam Amarjargal is hoping AFC's Vision Asia programme can help. 蒙古足協主席PinchinnyamAmarjargal希望亞足聯的亞洲展望計劃能夠帶來一些幫助。
- The inauguration ceremony marked a new page in the history of DDM, and gave the general public a deeper understanding of DDM's vision. 法鼓山開山落成大典,為法鼓山紀元開創新的一頁,也讓社會大眾對法鼓山的理念有更深一層的認識。
- A collection can be worth well beyond one's every day personal belongings. 集合可以值得遠遠超出一個人的每一天的個人財物。
- They complimented each other well, but without Gates what is Ballmer』s vision for the company and the computing industry? 他們相互稱讚對方,但沒了蓋茨之後,鮑爾默給公司和計算機產業描繪的願景又在哪裡呢?
- The article describles the method of realizing assembly robot s vision from the aspect of image acquisition?image process and image comprehension. 介紹了從圖像獲取、圖像處理、圖像理解等幾個方面去實現具有視覺功能裝配機器人的方法。
- AEF's vision is to play a part in the Transformation ofTaiwan, so it canrealize the part in the global revival that God has destinedTaiwan to play. AEF的異象是,在台灣的轉型當中有所貢獻及影響,進而實現上帝定意台灣在全球屬靈復興當中應有的發揮。