- Go beyond one's duty in doing sth. 超越職權範圍做某事
- Something is beyond one's reach. 夠不到某物。
- But the problems go beyond one case. 但問題超越一案。
- My life 's dream has been a perpetual nightmare . 我的生涯一直是個重複不斷的惡夢。
- My son' s dream is to be an astronaut. 我兒子的理想是當宇航員.
- Things are beyond one's control. 事不由己。
- Eyeable art feels like a Midsummer Night's Dream. 悅目的藝術品感覺就像仲夏夜之夢.
- My life 's dream has been a perpetual nightmare. 我的生涯一直是個重複不斷的惡夢。
- The borders of his land lie out far beyond one's line of sight. 他的土地一望無邊。
- The borders of the praire lie out far beyond one's line of sight. 這片草原一望無際。
- Borrowing with due date beyond one year or one operating cycle. 指到期日在一年或一個營業周期以上之借款。
- When the first paraglider appeared, People』s dream came true. 自從飛行傘出現后,人們的這一願望得以實現。
- To sleep beyond one's usual or intended time for waking. 睡過頭睡得超過了自己通常或打算起床的時間
- It』s an ecologist』s dream but an oil man』s nightmare. 這是生態學家的夢想,卻是石油商的夢魘。
- Things are beyond one's control. or Things are getting out of hand. 事不由己。
- Midsummer Night's Dream on stage is the eyeable art. 悅目的藝術品感覺就像仲夏夜之夢.
- One of his finest highlights is qualifying multiple times for the runner』s dream: a bib number in the Boston Marathon. 他最光彩的一樣東西就是多次取得賽跑者夢寐以求的參賽資格:拿到波士頓馬拉松賽的參賽選手編號。
- That change in emphasis leaches the melodrama from Mr.Nolan』s original conception, but it gives the story tension and interest beyond one man』s personal struggle. 這種改變將諾蘭先生的原創觀念從個人的掙扎中超脫出來,賦予故事以張力和趣味。
- Most critics consider it one of his greatest comedies, along with plays such as As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, and A Midsummer Night』s Dream. 多數評論家認為這是他最偉大的喜劇片,同時發揮如作為您喜歡它,就無事生非,並仲夏夜之夢。
- A collection can be worth well beyond one's every day personal belongings. 集合可以值得遠遠超出一個人的每一天的個人財物。