- Captain Mark McCluskey sat in his office fingering three envelopes bulging with betting slips. 警官馬可-麥克羅斯基坐在自己的辦公室里,舞弄著三個裝滿賭簽的紙袋。
- The police seized some $6 million worth of betting slips in a territory-wide operation against soccer bookmaking. 警方在一個全港大型反賭波行動中檢獲約值六百萬波纜。
- The envelopes were the betting slips that his raiding parties had picked up when they had hit one of the Corleone Family bookmakers the night before. 紙袋裡的賭簽是他的突擊隊在前一天晚上襲擊考利昂家族經營的賭場時搶來的。
- It is no fun betting on a sure thing. 對必然要發生的事打賭是毫無意義的。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心臟突然停跳一下。
- It's a waste of money betting on that old nag! 把賭金壓在那匹老馬上就是白扔錢!
- He spends all his money betting on horses. 他把所有的錢都用在賭馬上。
- Your best bet would be to call again tomorrow. 你最好明天再打電話來。
- I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他們這筆生意一定賺大錢。
- All1,300 employees got pink slips today. 今天1,300名職工全部拿到了被炒魷魚的條子。
- He made a bet that he would win the game. 他同別人打賭說這場比賽他會贏。
- I let it slip that I am expecting a baby. 我無意中透露了我已懷孕了。
- Silk is indeed the best bet in summer clothing. 夏令服裝的確以絲綢織品為最理想。
- I saw the boy slip away through the door. 我看見那個男孩溜出門去。
- My bet is they've got held up in the traffic. 我想他們一定是在路上因交通擁擠而受阻了。
- She slip the paper over the table top to Marvin. 她將報紙從桌面上悄悄地遞給馬文。
- She will never let slip a chance to study abroad. 她絕不會錯過出國學習的機會。
- I ventured a small bet on the horse. 我在那匹馬上下了一小筆賭注。
- Write your name and address on this pink slip. 在這張粉紅色紙條上寫下你的姓名和地址。
- The pen slips out of my fingers. 鋼筆從我指縫中滑下去了。