She wore a beret, set slightly off-centre. 一頂貝雷帽稍微傾斜地戴在她頭上。
Change the color of beret you decide to wear. 再換另一種顏色的貝雷帽戴上。
As French as the beret and the baguette, this toy-like little vehicle was once a frequent sight here. 就像法國的貝雷帽和長棍麵包一樣,這款玩具一樣的小車曾在這裡非常流行。
She was stick-thin, in tight, black leggings, a short black leather jacket and a beret over her long black hair. 她體型單薄,身子被衣服裹得很緊,穿著短小的黑色皮夾克和黑色長筒襪,長長的黑頭髮上戴著帽子。
Here young men learn the skills of guerrilla warfighting and embark on a year long journey to wear the coveted green beret. 年輕人在這裡學習游擊戰技,經過一年的訓練,就可以戴上渴望已久的綠色貝雷帽。