- One need an agile mind to solve puzzles. 解謎必須有機靈的頭腦。
- Ramkumar had opened a Sanskrit academy to supplement his income, and it was his intention gradually to turn his younger brother' s mind to education. 拉姆庫瑪兒開了一所梵語學院,用來彌補收入,他的圖意是逐漸讓弟弟回心轉意到教育上。
- He couldn't bend his mind to the work at hand. 他安不下心來處理手頭的工作。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新來的職員工作專心致志。
- He could not bend his mind to his studies . 他不能專心於他的功課。
- I can't readily bend my mind to this new work. 我不能迅速把思想集中到這項新工作上來。
- He couldn' t bend his mind to his studies. 他不能專心學習.
- He couldn't bend his mind to his studies. 他不能專心於他的功課。
- He could not bend his mind to his studies. 他不能專心於他的功課。
- I have it in mind to ask her advice when I see her. 我打算見到她時徵求她的意見。
- It would ease my mind to know where he was. 要知道他在哪兒我就放心了。
- I'd a good mind to smack him for being so rude! 他這樣粗野,我真想揍他。
- I have a good mind to study abroad. 我很想到國外去讀書。
- You face him, bestride is on his body, bend one's knees. 你面向他,跨坐在他身上,屈膝。
- I have half a mind to shut him up. 我有點想把他關起來。
- In the user』s mind it is a simple command. 這樣的愚蠢問題,在用戶心中這是一個簡單的命令。
- I have made up my mind to go with him. 我已下決心與他一起去。
- English grammar tasked the boy' s mind. 英文語法使那男孩大傷腦筋。
- He has a great mind to go to Paris with me. 他很想同我一起去巴黎。
- Khadgar』s mind was awhirl, as was his heart. 卡德加的內心和頭腦依然迷茫。