- A belt of trees grew between the two fields. 兩塊田之間有一條樹木帶。
- There is a belt of trees between the two fields. 那兩塊地之間有一片狹長樹林。
- A belt of trees encircled the field. 一條林帶把田圍住。
- A belt of rain extends across the mountains. 降雨帶延伸到山的那邊。
- Unequal shifting of cone drum belt while the formation of roving layers. 粗紗鐵炮皮帶移動不靈活。
- He cinched the belt of his knapsack around his shoulders. 他把背包帶緊緊地拴在肩膀上。
- He was born and is living in the broad belt of the world. 他出生並仍居住在熱帶。
- Cutaway Model Adjustable Cone Pulley Drive 可調錐形滑輪解剖體
- The island or castle stood in this belt of comparative light. 小島,就是這小寨,正好在這條淡淡的發光的水跡上。
- "He pours contempt on nobles And loosens the belt of the strong. 他使君王蒙羞被辱、放鬆有力之人的腰帶。
- Application of cone calorimeter for the assessment of the fire resistance of tree species. 利用錐形量熱儀分析樹種阻火性能。
- Because of cone fatigue in the eyes, the color and shape of the afterimage may be complementary to the color and shape of the actual object. 因為眼睛中的錐狀細胞疲勞的緣故,而產生同形狀、顏色互補的影像。
- Objective To assess the change of cone's motion perception in primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). 目的觀察原發性開角型青光眼患者3種視錐細胞視覺運動覺的變化。
- Put the V belt on the pulley of the sewing machine. 首先把V形皮帶掛到縫紉機皮帶輪上。
- Sectional measurement by means of cone frustum surface area formula C% was < 0.02%, and MSD% was<0. 13%. 圓台區分求表面積式C%25<±0.;02%25;MSD%25<0
- The relationship model of cone bit drillability and PDC bit drillablity is created. 建立了牙輪鑽頭可鑽性與PDC鑽頭可鑽性的相互關係模型。
- As he fastened the belt of his overalls he strolled across to the window. 他一邊束好工作服的腰帶,一邊走到窗戶邊上。
- This experiment offers some suggestions for selection of cone abscission-preparation for plane tree. 從而為選用減滅懸鈴木球果藥劑提供理論依據。
- In view of the work conditions of Dexing Copper Mine,the analysis of the wear failure of cone crusher was made. 根據德興銅礦工況條件,對圓錐式破碎機襯板進行了磨損失效分析。
- "We're already seeing the first climate wars, in the Sahel belt of Africa. 「我們現在已經看到在(北部)非洲薩赫勒地帶發生的第一場氣候大戰。」