- Located in the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace under the costal region,Xiao Chaihu Decoction syndrome has the diseases of liver, gallbladder,spleen and stomache. 小柴胡湯證病位在脅下膜原,病及肝膽脾胃,為少陽太陰所主,主要病邪為濕熱及寒邪傷陽,相火內郁。
- I thought his remarks were quite below the belt. 我覺得他的話十分尖酸刻毒。
- His income is well below the average. 他的收入大大低於平均水平。
- He weighed in at several pounds below the limit. 他賽前量體重比規定限度少幾磅。
- His work at school is below the average. 他的學業成績在一般水平以下。
- The great ship sank below the waves. 巨輪在滾滾浪濤中沉沒。
- Please sign your name below the line. 請在線下籤上你的名字。
- Her remark was a bit below the belt. 她的話有點不太公正。
- Below right kidney extremely leave plane under costal region a bit, extend midriff. 右腎下極則稍低於肋下平面,伸入中腹部。
- The body was visible below the surface of the lake. 屍體在湖水下清晰可見。
- The English gentry is next below the nobility. 英國紳士的地位僅次於貴族。
- The sun dipped below the horizon. 太陽落到地平線下。
- Why does tense meeting cause costal region neuralgic? 為什麼緊張會引起肋間神經痛?
- What medicine treats the neuritis between costal region? 什麼葯治療肋間神經炎?
- There are still too many people living below the poverty line. 生活在貧困線以下的人數仍然過多。
- The net is weighted to keep it below the surface of the water. 這個網加了墜因而可沒入水面以下。
- The ache below west costal region often aggravate, it is normal that courage B exceeds CT to check, biochemical examination is direct and indirect bilirubin is tall! 右肋下疼痛不時加劇,肝膽B超CT檢查正常,生化檢查直接間接膽紅素高!
- It's just a little below the full nark. It'll take about a quart. 剛好略低於注滿標記。需要再加大約1夸脫。
- The standard of his work is well below the average of his class. 他的成績大大低於班上的平均成績。
- She called the Costa Rican Embassy. 她給哥斯大黎加大使館打電話。