- Do wolves belong to the canine species? 狼是犬科動物嗎?
- You and I belong to different political camps. 你和我屬於不同的政治陣營。
- Cup and dish belong to pottery Lei. 杯子和碟屬於陶器類。
- John Bulls belong to the white race. 英國人屬於白色人種。
- The property should belong to me of right. 按照法律這筆財產應當屬於我。
- China belongs to the Third World. 中國屬於第三世界。
- Alder trees belong to the birch family. 赤楊屬於樺木科。
- The Monsoon Marginal Belt refers to the region which belongs to internal continent influenced by Asian Summer Monsoon fluctuation. 本文分析了季風邊緣帶自然災害的類型和特點。
- String beans belong to the pea family. 菜豆屬於豌豆屬植物。
- What political party does he belong to? 他是哪個政黨的成員?
- Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus. 狗、狼和土狼是同屬。
- The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中國人屬於黃種人。
- Some of our neighbors belong to the synagogue. 我們的一些鄰居屬於猶太教。
- He may belong to senile residents who stray from home. 他可能是那種離家迷失在外的昏聵老年人。
- It does not seem to belong to you to dictate to your comrades. 你似乎不該對你的同志們發號施令。
- The more help a man have in his garden, the less it belong to him. 花園裡幫忙的人手愈多,就愈不成為自己的花園。
- Which party does John belong to? 約翰屬於哪個黨派?
- Fishing and other riparian rights belong to owners of riparian land. 捕魚和其他河岸權屬於該河兩岸土地的所有者。
- Private members keep up their outward allegiance to the parties they belong to. 議員們對各自所屬的黨派保持表面上的忠誠。
- Don't take things that do not belong to you. 不要拿不屬於你的東西。