- The vanguard is cut off from the rear. 首尾不能相顧。
- In a way they played a vanguard role. 在某種意義上說,他們起了先鋒的作用。
- To develop and implement Bellwether Strategy. 發展和完成項目的領導地位戰略。
- Paris remains the bellwether of fashion industry. 在服裝行業,巴黎仍然保持者領頭羊的地位。
- The vanguard units started off last night. 前鋒部隊昨晚已經出發。
- Party members played a vanguard and exemplary role. 廣大共產黨員發揮了先鋒模範作用。
- The vanguard is(are)under attack. 前衛受到攻擊。
- The vanguard is cut offfrom the rear. 首尾不能相顧。
- They are in the vanguard of technological advance. 他們是技術發展的先導。
- The Young Pioneer is child's vanguard organization. 少先隊是少年兒童的先鋒組織。
- Admire me for that? Yeah, Visionary Vanguard. 欣賞我的傑作?是啊;夢想家先鋒.
- Henry: Hey, what about Visionary Vanguard? 亨利:嘿,夢幻先鋒怎麼樣?
- The vanguard units have reached the destination. 部隊前鋒已到達目的地。
- The forefront of an activity or pursuit; the vanguard. 某種活動或追求的前沿;先鋒
- Finally, be aware that our QMS is a bellwether of our success. 最後,要知道QMS我們走向成功的領頭羊。
- Google is the bellwether in the searching engine industry. 谷歌是網路搜索業里的領頭羊。
- Sanitation work of the entire region into bellwether. 環衛工作成為全區的領頭羊。
- Bellwether market strategy is in order to study the market.. 前導市場策略是以研究市場...
- The Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class. 共產黨是工人階級的先鋒隊。