- sylphon bellows type balance 波紋真空膜盒式天平
- Pressure gauges shall generally be bourdon tube or bellows type. 現場壓力表應通常是波登管或波紋管型。
- Only valves such as packless diaphragm or bellows type should be used. 只能使用無襯墊膈膜閥或波紋管閥。
- Springy balancer : It's for replacing hammer type balance. 彈簧式平衡器:該平衡器是重鎚式平衡器的替代產品。
- The key factors affecting the stagnation point position of L-type pipeline section are the setting position of bellows type expansion joint and the bend angle degree. 影響水平轉角管段駐點位置的主要因素為波紋管補償器設置位置、彎頭角度。
- Pilot operated valves shall be considered for back pressures greater than 40% of set pressure if more favourable de-rating factors result in a valve smaller than a bellows type. 如果更多有利的非測定因子導致閥門小于波紋管類型的,對於背壓大於設定壓力的40%25的,應考慮輔助操作閥。
- Shaft sealing adopts single (double) face, bellow type mechanical seal, it also can adopt soft packing, is can meet sealing demands of all kinds of conditions. 軸封採用單(雙)端面、波紋管等形式的機械密封,也可採用軟填料密封,能適應各種條件下的密封要求;
- Liu Fusheng,,Nie Guangqian.The new type balance transformer according to impendence matching[J].Journal of the China Railway Society,1988,10(4):16-22(in Chinese). [10]劉福生;聶光前.;利用阻抗匹配方案構成的新型平衡變壓器[J]
- The calculation of stagnation point position of straight pipeline section with both movable ends and L-type pipeline section with bend at one end and bellows type expansion joint at other end is discussed. 摘要探討了兩側為活動端的直管段及一側活動端為彎頭,而另一側活動端為波紋管補償器的水平轉角管段駐點位置的計算。
- Balanced bellows seals may be required instead of conventional type due to process fluid considerations. Pilot operated valves are acceptable in place of bellows type for clean services. 出於對工藝介質的考慮,平衡波紋管密封可能要求替代常規類型。對於潔凈用途,允許用輔助操作閥替代波紋管類型。
- Some improvements for mechanical seals on mid-pressure ammonia pumps in our plant is summarized,A performance contrast is analysed and some application recommendations are given in future service preferentially for the metal bellow type mechanical seals. 結合某中壓熱氨泵的機械密封改造 ,對金屬波紋管機械密封與普通機械密封的性能對比進行了分析 ,指出金屬波紋管機械密封可以在很多工況下取代使用 ,輔助密封圈的普通機械密封。
- Application of Buried Bellows Type Expansion Joints 直埋式波紋管補償器的應用
- Single convolution bellows type air spring 單曲囊式空氣彈簧
- Double convolution bellows type air spring 雙曲囊式空氣彈簧
- About the Damaging of Bellows Type Expansion Joint 供熱管網波紋管補償器爆裂破損原因分析及解決方法
- Three convolution bellows type air spring 三曲囊式空氣彈簧
- inner fins tube of bellows' type 波紋內翅片管
- bellows type pneumatic suspension 氣囊式空氣懸挂
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷機上可拆卸的列印部件。
- Staggering to his feet, the drunkard bellow out a laugh. 醉漢搖搖晃晃地站起來時發出一聲大笑。