- Pay close attention to the government and accurate government news, announcement, not believe what one hears without affirmed panicky sex information. 關注官方以及准官方新聞、公告,不聽信未經確認的恐慌性信息。
- The sincere letter that deal says, true gold is not afraid of red ingle, can continue to insist to be done, the strategy that adopts a few correspondence strives for passenger source, be everybody the word of hellion of metropolis believe what one hears? 做生意講的誠信,真金不怕紅爐火,可繼續堅持做下去,採取一些對應的策略爭取客源,不是每個人都會聽信壞人的話吧?
- Infidelity does not consist in believing,or in disbelieving, it consist in professing to believe what one does not believe. 不忠不在於信還是不信,而在於謊稱相信自己不信的東西。
- Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consist in professing to believe what one does not believe. 不忠不在於信還是不信,而在於謊稱相信自己不信的東西。
- But as a practitioner of transcendental universalism, I would not be satisfied with what he said, and I would ask: "But who has a better reason for believing what one believes, you or me? 我的問題是,羅蒂對道德概念的重新解釋,與康德及任何其他人所理解的道德毫無關係,誰會認為,在行動之前看到了更多的前景,不管最後做出怎樣的抉擇,就是更接近道德的要求呢?
- Don't believe what he's saying it's pure bunkum. 別相信他的話--純粹是胡說八道。
- Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。
- It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing,or in disbelieving, it consist in professing to believe what one does not believe. 在思想上忠於自己是一個人幸福的必要條件。不忠不在於信還是不信,而在於謊稱相信自己不信的東西。
- Be imperceptibly influenced by what one constantly sees and hears. 耳朵經常聽到,眼睛經常看到,不知不覺受到影響。
- Don't believe what a courtier tells you. 不要相信諂媚者對你說的話。
- If one hears bad music it is one's duty to drown it in conversation. 如果聽的是討厭的音樂,以談話來把它淹沒是每個人的義務。
- More than half of modern culture depend on what one shall not read. 現代文化的一半以上,有賴於不應讀的東西。
- Are you simple enough to believe what that liar tells you? 你會蠢到相信那騙子說的話嗎?
- Speak softly love so no one hears us but the sky. 輕聲地說出愛,除了老天之外,沒人聽得到。
- That no one hears you screaming. 這樣就沒有人聽見你在大聲尖叫。
- You should never believe what he says because he is a fibber. 你決不可相信他的話,因為他是個愛撒小謊的人。
- One thinks one hears hydras talking. 我們彷彿聽見了七頭蛇在說話。
- Hardly any of us believed what he had said. 我們幾乎沒有人相信他說過的話。
- Don't believe what he says. He's trying to dig a pit for you. 不要相信他的話。他在算計你。
- from what one sees and hears; from all one hears and sees; from what one knows 耳目所及