- The problem has become extremely serious. 這個問題現在已到了極嚴重的程度。
- The coastal areas have mild winters, but by contrast the central plains become extremely cold. 沿海地區的冬天天氣暖和,可是相比之下中部平原卻異常寒冷。
- Perhaps he may become extremely nervous and excitable. 他可能會變得極度神經質與極度興奮。
- Cultural and social evolution has now become extremely rapid. 文化和社會發展現在變得極為迅速。
- To make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation. 使消瘦使或變得極瘦,尤指飢餓所致
- He's worried himself sick(= become extremely anxious)about his daughter. 他的女兒可把他愁壞了。
- OOP has become extremely popular because of its high programming productivity. 對象導向程序設計極受歡迎,因其程序設計生產力高。
- He overdid and became extremely tired. 他用力過猛, 感到筋疲力盡。
- The Maldives has increasingly become extremely accessible especially by air. 馬爾地夫的往來交通日漸發達,特別是航空。
- We have become extremely acquisitive in a way our forebears never were. 我們變得極度的貪得無厭。而我們的先人們從不這樣。」
- In fact, it becomes extremely manageable for the most part. 事實上,它大致上變成非常地容易處理。
- The next morning the patient became extremely dyspneic and weak. 第2天早晨,病人呼吸變為非常困難和衰弱。
- Chaparral vegetation becomes extremely dry by late summer. 在晚夏季節,濃密常綠闊葉灌叢植被變得異常乾燥,此時常常發生大火。
- Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed. 掃墓俗稱上墳,祭祀死者的一種活動。
- As the struggle is getting fiercer every day,our problems have become extremely complex and serious. 這種鬥爭,一天比一天激烈,問題也就非常地繁複和嚴重。
- Mk. 9:6 For he did not know what to answer, for they had become extremely frightened. 可九6彼得不知道該說什麼才好,因為他們甚是懼怕。
- Cassidy had certainly drunk enough. From being very silent he had become extremely talkative. To some extent it was a turn for the better. 卡西迪一定是酒喝多了。一向沉默寡言的他變得健談起來。從某種意義上來說,這倒是個好事。
- The coastal area has very mild winter, but by contrast the central plains become extremely cold. 靠近海岸的地區有很溫和的冬天,相比而方,靠近中央的平原就變得非常寒冷。
- The coastal areas have mild winters, but by contrast the centralplains become extremely cold. 沿海地區的冬天天氣暖和,可是相比之下中部平原卻異常寒冷。
- Many movies receive disparaging reviews from film experts and yet become extremely successful. 很多電影受到電影專家貶低性的評論,結果卻獲得很大的成功。