- I understood him to be willing to help. 我知道,他是願意幫忙的。
- He will be greater to posterity if he have be willing to be less great. 如果他不自命不凡,那麼對子孫後代來說,他就會更加偉大。
- You ve got to be willing to refactor your code when this happens. 當出現這種情況時,您需要重構您的代碼。
- Fegan appears to be willing to play the villain so far. 到目前為止,費根似乎很樂意做這個替罪羊。
- To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause! 情願昂首步入地獄,為了完成一件屬天的使命!
- To be successful, you've got to be willing to fail. 要想成功,你就必須願意失敗。
- He will be willing to tide us over. 他願意幫助我們渡過難關。
- When ugly decisions had to be made, he was willing to make them. 在需要作出無情的決定時,他也並不留情。
- Times are different now, who would be willing to be a concubine? 如今都什麼年代了,誰還甘心給人做偏房呢?
- Successful are those who are willing to take pains. 成功的人都是那些肯努力的人。
- Linda was willing to be a devil's advocate on any subject she's interested in. 琳達就是愛在她感興趣的話題上唱反調。
- She was willing to fulfil her plan at any price. 她願意不惜任何代價來完成自己的計劃。
- I am willing to love all mankind, except American. 我樂意愛全人類,除美國而外。
- For a company to pay good dividends,it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay. 一間公司若要派發高股息,它必須有充足的凈利以及有足夠的意願去做。
- More new breed youngsters seem to be willing to see their parents take vacation without them. 許多新式兒童似乎樂意看到他們的父母撇下他們自個兒去度假。
- Courtiers in ancient times were willing to be at the emperor's beck and call. 古代的臣下都願意為皇帝孝犬馬之勞。
- He has always been willing to give a hand to anyone who asked. 他總是願意幫助任何有求於他的人。
- I'd like to buy your house if you are willing to sell it. 如果你願意賣的話,我想買你的房子。
- We'd be willing to give you a 10% down payment. 我們願意先付10%25的定金。