- His eyes were wild with excitement. 他眼中流露出極度興奮的神情。
- The boss was wild with me for being late again. 老闆因我再次遲到而大為惱怒。
- My lovable treasure, you just now seek, really makes meto be wild with joy! 我可愛的寶貝,你方才尋來,真令我狂喜!
- He was wild with delight when he heard the news. 當他聽說那消息時欣喜若狂。
- He was wild with excitement at the news. 他聽到這個消息后激動得發狂。
- The kids will be wild with delight as the rooster peeks over the top, hides again, and peeps out from side to side. 孩子將是狂放的以歡欣,雄雞偷看在上面,再掩藏,並且從一邊到另一邊偷看。
- They are wild with joy when"their" player or team wins. 當「他們的」選手或運動員贏得勝利時,他們欣喜若狂。
- The crowd was wild with joy when he scored the final goal. 當他投入最後一球得分時,人們驚喜若狂。
- Feliks was wild with rage that the man should try to stop him eating. 這個傢伙不讓他吃東西,費利克斯狂怒了。
- They were wild with joy. 他們欣喜若狂。
- Spize was wild with wrath.He raged through the camp, smelling and digging in every likely place, snarling so frightfully that Pike heard and shivered in his hiding place. 斯帕斯氣得發瘋,在營地到處亂找,在每個可疑的地方又是嗅又是挖,可怕的咆哮聲嚇得派克躲在下面渾身發抖。
- They carved out an orchard where there used to be wild grass. 他們在曾是野草叢生的地方開闢了果園。
- The department was swamped with job applications. 面對紛至沓來的求職申請,這個部門疲於應對。
- Her eyes were wild with terror. 她的眼睛里充滿了恐懼。
- The boy was wild with delight. 小孩欣喜若狂。
- The children are wild about the new computer. 孩子們都特別喜歡這個新計算機。
- The film star become wild with anger over the imposition on her privacy. 那位電影明星因私生活受到干預心頭直冒怒火。
- The little boy is sort of, um, wild with joy. 那個小男孩有點兒,呃,欣喜若狂。
- Everybody knows Tong Pak Fu, he is born to be wild! 人稱詩畫雙絕,風流不羈的唐伯虎誰不熟悉呀?
- Coping with job loss Showing support for your husband? 和老公共同面對失業你在那顯示你的支援呢?