- His eyes are wide open but he seems to be asleep. 他的眼睛睜得大大的但看起來是睡著了。
- The door to the divan was wide open. 會議廳的門大開著。
- My arms are wide open for you this New Year. 我張開雙臂,盼與你共度新春佳節。
- The doors of universities are wide open to you. 大學的門向你們敞開著。
- Now, the floodgates are wide open. 如今,籌資閘門已經大開。
- Soon Raphael Semmes and the Confederate Navy would tend to those Yankee gunboats and the ports would be wide open. 不久拉斐爾 - 塞姆斯和南部聯盟的海軍就要來對付那些北方佬的炮艇,港口就會打開。
- She couldn't hear them,but their little mouths were wide open. 她聽不到它們的聲音,但從它們張開的小嘴她可以猜得到。
- My arms are wide open fe open for you this Christmas. 我張開雙臂,盼與你共度聖誕佳節。
- The outer door was wide open but the inner one was locked. 外邊的門敞開著,但裡面的門鎖著。
- Apprentice: (Eek! His eyes are wide open! But he's fast asleep! 學徒:(咦!他的眼睛睜得大大的!但睡得正香呢!)
- The wide receiver was wide open when the quarterback threw him the ball. 當四分衛傳給外接球員時,他身旁什麼人也沒有。
- His eyes were wide open, staring unblinkingly, accusingly at Magicka. 圓睜著雙眼,控訴般的一眨不眨的緊盯著巫師。
- As they neared the final bedroom, Collet could see the door was wide open. 他們靠近了最後的那個卧室,科萊看到房門洞開著。
- "Bonzi switched off and went to 'Melo and I was wide open," said Carter. 「邦奇去防守梅羅(安東尼),我的面前無人防守,」卡特說。
- Cosette's eyes were wide open, and her thoughtful air pained Jean Valjean. 珂賽特的眼睛睜得滾圓,好象在擔著心事,冉阿讓見了,不禁一陣心酸。
- Most of the windows are wide open: the dingy rooms have the appearance of so many yawning mouths. 窗子大多都大敞著,昏暗的房間彷彿是許多正打哈欠的大嘴。
- The eagle's eyes are wide open, and its body is smooth and clean with no striations. 鷹的雙目圓睜,周身光潔未加紋飾,
- After applying the Neutralizer, I had a positive energetic response and my chakras were wide open. 在應用中和貼,我產生了積極有力的反應和我的心靈是敞開。
- I am going to bust you wide open. 我將把你打得皮開肉綻。
- Lee: Ooh. Sorry, that's not good for me. I am tied up all day Friday. We'll have to do it next week. I am wide open then. 哦,對不起。我沒空。星期五一天我都很忙。我們得安排到下星期了。下星期,我可以隨意訂時間。