- He was unable to escape the array of facts. 他無法躲避一連串的事實。
- A man (SCRANTON, Pa.) accused of breaking into the Houdini Museum was unable to escape from police. 美國賓夕法尼亞州東北部城市斯克蘭頓一人闖入霍迪尼博物館被警方逮捕,該罪犯已被控告。
- After the revolution, his parents were unable to escape the country, but they managed to secure him a visa and a plane ticket to Miami in early 1962. 大革命之後,雖然雙親無力逃離這個國家,但1962年初,他們設法為他弄到了一本護照,以及一張飛往邁阿密的機票。
- She was so angry as to be unable to speak. 她氣得連話都說不出來了。
- But haplessness is suddenly come , it smashs all the good thing, You cry, my sorrow, Can not change the arrangement of God, It decide, We are unable to escape. 我的愛 既使有一天,我雖萬般不舍, 但你已到了生命的盡頭, 請記著我的愛,我那至死不渝的心, 天涯海角,伴隨著你, 你將不會感到離逝的孤單。
- On the other hand, the EMP structure is a great counter to a sneaky Mothership attack, as the slow and shieldless Mothership will be unable to escape from its blast. 另一方面,EMP的建築是對抗卑鄙(譯者:=004=)母艦攻擊的好方法,因為沒有護盾和行動緩慢的母艦很難逃脫EMP的魔爪。
- For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting. 因為某種原因,我不能出席這次會議。
- Mrs Biggs is ill and will be unable to take you today. 比格斯夫人病了,今天不能給你們上課了。
- He had to be sold out and was unable to make a fresh beginning. 他不得不傾家蕩產,無法重新開始了。
- The jury are unable to reach a unanimous decision. 陪審團未能達成意見一致的裁決。
- The firemen were unable to control the blaze. 消防隊員無法控制這場大火。
- She would be unable to ask her confederate indoors. 她不能請她的同謀者到屋裡去。
- She was unable to get to grips with her assailant. 她無力與襲擊她的人扭打。
- Mr. Aston seems to be unable to hold down any job. 艾斯頓先生似乎不能保持任何職位。
- I was unable to improve on his translation. 我沒法再提高他的譯文。
- She was unable to keep back her tears. 她無法忍住淚水。
- John was unable to afford the house. 約翰買不起這房子。
- I was unable to recollect the names. 我回想不起那些名字了。
- He was unable to budge the boulder. 他搬不動那塊大圓石。
- The nation was unable to resist the invasion. 該國無力抵抗侵略。