- Everything was shrouded in mist and raindrops. 一切都被籠罩在霧雨之中。
- a peak shrouded in mist and cloud 籠罩在雲霧中的山峰
- The mountain peak was enveloped in mist and clouds. 山峰被雲霧遮蔽。
- The towers were shrouded in mist. 城樓被蒙上薄霧。
- The hills were shrouded in mist. 這些小山被籠罩在薄霧之中。
- At the turn of winter, it is mostly foggy weather with the peaks often shrouded in swirling mist and cloud. 冬春之交,則多雲霧,千山萬壑間雲涌霧漫,茫茫一片。
- The peak of Mount Tai is often shrounded/wreathed in mist and cloud which is like a boundless sea. 泰山頂上的茫茫雲霧無邊無際,猶如汪洋大海。
- The city was shrouded in mist. 城市籠罩在霧靄之中。
- The airport was shrouded in a heavy mist. 機場籠罩在濃霧之中。
- The whole jail was shrouded in darkness. 整座監獄籠罩在黑暗之中。
- The house was shrouded in some strange cloudiness. 房子被籠罩在一種莫名其妙的晦黯中。
- All the mountains and fields are shrouded in heavy fog. 整個山野都被籠罩在大霧之中。
- Their introduction had been shrouded in mystery. 他們的相識一直被神密的氣氛包圍著。
- The whole affair was shrouded in mystery. 整個事件被神秘的氣氛籠罩。
- The city was shrouded in a thick smog. 煙霧籠罩著那座城市。
- To bathe in the ocean of mist and cloud or to die there, I didn't care. 想跳下去洗澡,或者跳下去死。
- The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery. 文明的起源神秘地被隱藏著。
- But the true events of that day are shrouded in mystery. 但當天的事件真相仍籠罩在神秘的氣氛之中。
- Speaking of the Lushan Mountain, the best known is the ever-changing mist and cloud. 說到廬山,最出名的是那變幻莫測的雲霧。
- They are shrouded in technicalities and buried in a pile of new acronyms. 這些舉措還打著學術的幌子,隱匿在一堆新的縮略語之下。