- The two types of juries are petit and grand. 陪審團分為兩種,次要陪審團和主要陪審團。
- The feature is beautiful, the makings are outstanding, the skin is pale, the stature is well-balanced , petite and dainty. 長相漂亮,氣質出眾,皮膚白皙,身材勻稱,嬌小玲瓏。
- She is petite and dainty. 她長得小巧玲瓏。
- My date is petite and beautiful, just like my dream date Meg Ryan. 我的女朋友嬌小可愛,就象是我的夢中情人梅格·安。
- petite and dainty 嬌小玲瓏
- Though small and dainty, the portaBle motor works like a giant. 別看袖珍馬達小巧玲瓏,力氣卻像大力士。
- Normally Petit and Tiago are coming in as replacements. 一般來說,佩蒂特和蒂亞哥是他們替補。
- She had a big smile and a big laugh for someone so petite and delicate. 她在大笑,並且讓這種大笑看上去顯得如此嬌小玲瓏而細緻優雅。
- The Congressman of the district must be petitioned. 必須向區國會議員申請。
- To handle petitions and complaints. (十三)處理請願,申訴事項。
- Baobao: The petite and perky Meg Ryan. She left her husband for her new costar. 寶寶:是關於小巧玲瓏的梅格·瑞安的事兒。她離開了她的丈夫,交了一個搭檔新男友。
- Gordon: The petite and perky Meg Ryan. She left her husband for her new costar. 戈登:是關於小巧玲瓏的梅格·瑞安的事兒。她離開了她的丈夫,交了一個搭檔新男友。
- It tastes delicate, exquisite, and dainty; looks white and immaculacy. 入口有細微絲感,潔白細膩,質爽而無暇。
- Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. 如實說你的想法。
- That 1998 vintage had the power of Petit and Vieira and the guile of Bergkamp. 1998年最佳是佩蒂特和維埃拉的力量,博格坎普的聰明。
- Residents are petitioning against the new road. 居民正在請願反對建造這天新路。
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天鍛煉鍛煉,你很快會恢復健康的。
- On the billboards, too, he saw a pretty poster, showing her as the Quaker Maid, demure and dainty. 他還在布告牌上看到一張漂亮的海報,畫著她演的教友會小教徒的角色。
- The captain ordered two flags to be placed fore and aft. 船長吩咐在船頭和船尾各掛一面旗子。
- Green hills, clear waters and dainty Beauties present a southern tone with an attractive elegant demeanor. 山清水秀,麗人嬌小,南國情調,風采迷人。